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HandmadeCon 2016 FAQ

When is HandmadeCon 2016?
When is HandmadeCon 2016?

Nov 19-20
Thanks! Didn't know that was where the information about it was.

I wish you could have something like this a little closer to the middle of the year instead of right before Thanksgiving. I have a few extra days of vacation and thought "I should go to Handmadecon. Oh, its at the end of the year. I don't need a vacation then, I need one in August.

Just a thought.

I wish you could have something like this a little closer to the middle of the year instead of right before Thanksgiving. I have a few extra days of vacation and thought "I should go to Handmadecon. Oh, its at the end of the year. I don't need a vacation then, I need one in August.

Just a thought.

A bit tangential, but for what it's worth I've found air travel/hotels to be much less expensive this year using pretty much whichever travel sites. Maybe partially due to being the week before Thanksgiving (maybe not, I don't travel terribly much).
Hi Casey, has the speaker list been finalized yet?
Seconding Abner's report on Executive Hotel being pretty solid. It's close to the library which was great last year.

Mediterranean is so much closer to Seattle Center though, and a bit cheaper, so I'm booking there. Thank you for pointing it out Bigfellahull!

[EDIT] Scratch that, it's not cheaper. Travel site fubar'd.

Edited by drjeats on
Will it be streamed?
No worries. I'll be in contact; I appreciate the offer to connect me to the right people.

I will definitely love to be in for this proposal this year!

Although I am a country neighbor, I don't think I will be able to pay all the expenses: even worse this year expecting that my currency will be devastated.

Edited by itzjac on Reason: missing quote