The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Zak's Mediterranean Place

This evening @StrangeZak heroically booked a double room with two "full beds" (i.e. regular doubles) to sleep four adults at the Mediterranean Inn (0.3 miles from the Con) for the nights of 17th–21st November. Zak himself and I will be in there all nights, @fierydrake the 17th and @Hjortshoej the 18th–20th, which means that there will be room for one more person on all nights and two people on the 21st. If we fill the beds, it'll cost $59.71/night each.

So if you're thinking of staying in the Mediterranean and haven't yet booked, or are thinking of going to the Con but haven't got as far as picking a hotel, let us know if you'd like to stay with us. A further perk of staying in the Mediterranean (supposing that staying with us is a perk at all!) is that @AndrewJDR has also booked a room there, so there'll be a whole bunch of Handmade alumni close by for group meals, strolls to the Con and just generally hanging out.

Also, if you want to coordinate plane landing times, Zak, Fiery and I will collectively be in Sea-Tac from ~14:30 to ~16:30 before heading over to the hotel.

Edited by Matt Mascarenhas on Reason: Unsettled mode of transport
We're all booked up, uh-hu-huh. Except for the night of the 21st, which remains just Zak and me for the time being.

@debiatan has opened a general thread for coordinating Mediterranean accommodation, so let's move the conversation there.