The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Sorry, Mischief was unable to create a canv(Fixed)

I downloaded the mischief app from here and installed the free version.

But when I try to open the .art file I get get following messagebox :(
Sorry, Mischief was unable to create a canvas for the .art file

Should I download some other version?

Edited by Roderic Bos on Reason: fixed
I am using the 15 day trial version at the moment. I do not know if perhaps the free version cannot load ones from the commercial version? I was planning on just buying Mischief and using the full version but maybe that is a mistake if the files cannot be viewed by people with some sort of free viewer :/ Maybe we can get some clarification from them?

- Casey
According to mischief these are the differences

So are you using a custom color swatch or an extended palette?

Edited by Roderic Bos on
I was unable to open "" with the 15-day trial(full) version of Mischief, I received the same error (unable to create a canvas for the .art file).

I was able to download and open sample .art files, however, so the problem seems limited to Casey's .art file.
Very strange! I wonder what the problem is?

- Casey
I opened a support ticket with them but I haven't gotten a response yet. I will update this thread when I do.
Thanks man!

- Casey
I have switched to using the full (paid) version, and I have made a new .art file to start us off. Please let me know if you can read this one... maybe it's just files with the trial version that don't work? Let's hope so!

- Casey
I wasn't sure where to recommend this, but have you tried MyPaint. It works quite similarly, at the basic level, as Mischief; and if you don't have any problems with dll deps, then it should work quite nicely.
We have tried many paint programs so I don't see the harm in trying another :) I'll take a look at MyPaint when I get a chance!

- Casey
The Mischief support people got back to me, they were able to reproduce the issue on their end. There is a new build of Mischief-Free now (2.0.5) with which I am able to open Casey's file and view it.

The new version is available here:
I can confirm that the last version opens both files fine! So keep drawing the beautiful art!

Edited by Roderic Bos on
The Mischief support people got back to me, they were able to reproduce the issue on their end. There is a new build of Mischief-Free now (2.0.5) with which I am able to open Casey's file and view it.

You have mad bug reporting skillz!! Any chance you can get them to fix the ALT-TAB-leaves-the-cursor-in-eyedropper mode bug, too?

- Casey