The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Jeff and Casey Show inspired ideas

From Episode 1:

* Mobile Hellgates

* Koolaid Man enemy (break through any brick wall, ...)


How Metacritic 100 will Handmade Hero be?
Given the running theme of "Heroes" on the podcast, and the similarity with awards for pretty much nothing in achievements in current games, seeing a "You are Hero" achievement awarded as soon as the game starts for the first time would be hillarious.

- Casey
I would say the game definitely needs dreadful dungeons filled with Pork and Pumpkins.
And maybe also orphan-terrorizing giant turds...
Season 1, episode 3:

* An inappropriately humping bunny that follows and humps you if you turn your back to it.
I picture it sort of like ghosts in mario.. when you turn around to face it it just stares at you with that innocent "what are you looking at I'm just a normal bunny of the non-humping variety." And if you get too far out of range it goes and humps random things.. trees, rocks, maybe that monster over there... but then it sees that's actually kind of a big monster and turns around to look for a nice mushroom instead.
A sewer filled with rats wearing tiny little jackets.

Casey, you need to advertise the podcast a bit in the prestream or something. Good stuff.
Have a quaint little shop in a town where you can't buy anything because the receptionist has breast cancer.
You have a problem, so you find a skull, and give it to a smoker, and he gives you a solution.

Edited by Mustafa Al-Attar on