The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Tiled world, walk off screen vs centered player

I prefer instant switch, personally.

- Casey

I feel like instant switching gives off a vibe of being unpolished.
I prefer instant switch, personally.

- Casey

I feel like instant switching gives off a vibe of being unpolished.

I'd like the instand switch, the zelda scroll is nice in the begining but quickly becomes tiresome.
I've always been interested in how to take the flourishes that seem cool/new at first, and ratchet them down so they aren't boring in the 500th battle/transition/whatever.

Changing from instant switch to scroll in very specific cases (say, boss battles) could be very effective too.
I've always been interested in how to take the flourishes that seem cool/new at first, and ratchet them down so they aren't boring in the 500th battle/transition/whatever.

Changing from instant switch to scroll in very specific cases (say, boss battles) could be very effective too.

And with a signature audio queue to get your hart pumping :-)
I've always been interested in how to take the flourishes that seem cool/new at first, and ratchet them down so they aren't boring in the 500th battle/transition/whatever.

Changing from instant switch to scroll in very specific cases (say, boss battles) could be very effective too.

This is a very good idea
Speaking of game flourishes, this is the funniest talk on the topic I've ever seen:
That video is so so awesome.
So for dungeons it makes sense to have your screen centered on a particular room. For the overworld it may make sense to have continuously scrolling terrain.
Personally, I prefer continuously scrolling terrain with the player centered.

There may be some cases where this breaks down; for example when the player gets to a wall they should not be able to see past. I don't know whether that will be an issue with this game but hey, we might generate castles or some awesome top-level fortresses.

Well we may have triggered in Casey, he mentioned just this on the last stream (day 60). Scrolling in open world vs dungeons in rooms.
Yes, since people seemed very concerned that scrolling was somehow harder or that they wouldn't learn how to do scrolling from the stream, I wanted to make sure we make it clear that it's very easy to do with the way we have architected things. So at the very least, there'll be an #if 0 in the code that you can change to an #if 1 that will make the overworld be smooth-scrolling, even if I decide to make it room-locked at the end!

- Casey
I think it's awesome home you are keeping the suspense about what the game itself will be in the end. I like it a lot, thanks again for doing this, learned a bunch allready, even started to use C++ again (in your C-way ;-) )