There isn't a list that i know of. Though Khan Academy has subjects grouped into a relatively sane method of advancement.
I would start with the Precalculus section, if you have the basics of Jr High Algebra down. You can also do a search on Khan Academy itself, and it can provide a "Personalized Vector Experience," as they put it. This will probably test what you know already, and work on the parts you don't.
To be clear, he talks about quite a few concepts in that video, and Vectors are barely brushed upon and then used.
In your normal Algebraic equation that is drawn on a 2D plane with an x and a y, the vector is simple where any two points meat. The x and the y location. With the x location and the y location, you can know what its direction is, or in terms of the earlier math, its angle.
But Khan Academy can help you out better than I can.