abnercoimbre, it's a very diplomatic offer, but unnecessary. I still think it's a great resource in itself. I have done more programming in C++ since I discovered HH than I've ever done before, there is really nothing like this for writing game-code (or not much anyway, and nothing as detailed with per-episode source and post-stream question time).
gazto, I have begun reading up on the topic of software design beyond what i have been exposed to at university and have studied object-oriented, functional, declarative, procedural etc languages both at university and elsewhere. I have experience with basic, assembly, c#, C, C++, haskal, modula and Java, so that's at least a little bit of mixed experience. I have a reading list bookmarked, which I will work through when i can. I've browsed a couple of research papers that look at software design in terms of ease of understanding and program maintenance. I've re-read one of Casey's blog entries on the subject and also read some blogs that respond to some of Casey's comments.
I've also begun thinking about how I would rewrite some of my own code to transform it from object oriented to a different style. In the process I've discovered that I have a looser definition of object-orientation compared to some of the established descriptions of the style. And it's also clear that I use different styles in my own code, some of my code such as my Vector classes are clearly object oriented, but I also have other parts where I do not tie methods to data. Although I can mostly describe my code in terms of object models, even when the operations and data are separated. Processors are objects too! I mix object oriented classes with monolithic math static classes, depending on the number of and relationships between the operations.
My point is, I am reading about design methodologies, and thinking of how they apply to me and my own code, and I'll make an effort to be more aware of how I write my code and how it's structured. I just want to put a wet-towel on the notion that everyone who 'fights' for object orientation is just a troll and isn't educated/experienced or willing to learn.
Talking about object oriented design and compression programming should not be mutually exclusive, in fact, when I read Casey's blog entry on semantic compression, I think he presented some of his arguments poorly and I felt that he didn't explain why object orientation and semantic compression weren't orthogonal processes, or rather, he missed the possibility that they were.
And I apologize for using the word 'fascist' (I blame Rik), I was making a point, but perhaps I made it poorly and with too much provocation.