Saner .emacs config? Or all features in Atom?

I am new to the church of GNU and Casey's .emacs file just rubs me the wrong way. I love the feature where I can jump from error to error after a compile .. but the rest, oh boy! :P

I would love to have more common ctrl x,c,v and z for cut, copy, paste and undo and some other shortcuts I would like to change to something I find more sane.
Can someone post the needed changes and check if they break anything?

Emacs newb needs help!(probably from some wise bearded RMS-esqe oldschool hacker)


PS. Or you guys just post your changes to your .emacs so I can see what might make my experience more bearable.
While I understand the desire to map emacs to concepts you're used to, this might lead to more frustration than enlightenment. The emacs kill ring is pretty useful, but it doesn't work quite like normal cut and paste. I'd actually suggest going the other way: don't rebind anything, spend an hour with a standard emacs tutorial using standard keybindings, practice those for a few days, and _then_ start rebinding keys once you understand what's going on. I would almost say this is the compression-oriented approach to learning an editor: write against the base system directly until you know what you want to change, and only then build your own abstractions on top.
Well, if emacs were the only editor I would use that might make sense, but it isn't and if everybody would do as you say Casey wouldn't have ended up with his .emacs file, wouldn't he?
The good thing about flexible tools is that you can bend them to your liking, but sometimes that bending is a little more involved than one might want and that is what I was asking about. At the moment my desire to learn lisp and understand the .emacs file is limited.

Nobody able to make these changes with confidence? It would a great help (and I guess not just for me)
From past experience it is simply best to learn the commands a particular editor wants you to use. This is true for emacs and it is also true when I once tried to force visual studio to use emacs commands.

Any other partial solution will leave you miserable.

You must embrace the church of emacs ( fully to be happy with it and if you can find an old symbolics keyboard to use - all the better.
Thanks, but ... well, I want to use Caseys .emacs file. Which isn't what emacs comes with and it is really different from what emacs wants me to use, so that will leave me and Casey miserable is what you are saying?

Anybody here to help? I've had enough evanglizing for now, no offense.

Edited by Tom on
I am looking at Caseys dot emacs file right now and trying to get it working. I am missing the colors and font. I may eventually just create my own .emacs file.

I thought someone mentioned a missing font problem in a previous post - is there a way to search this forum?

Casey has a text file describing the bindings he is using in the misc directory. He also has a stream on emacs and walks you through what each of his key bindings does and how he uses it.

I started coding with emacs and even used a symbolics keyboard but sadly it was a newer symbolics keyboard. My symbolics keyboard was missing the thumbs up and thumbs down keys. At least the square, circle and triangle keys were there.

There is something strangely satisfying about selecting control-meta-super-hyper coke bottle to launch your code.

So the short answer is - yes - you will be miserable struggling with a new set of key bindings and an unfamiliar editor but the pain doesn't last too long and you don't need to know all the details to get your code working.

I have been down this road before and trust me - it is much much easier to deal with the pain of learning an editor's preferred way of doing something than trying to get an editor to abandon its default key bindings.
I also miss a forum search, but you just need the liberation fonts for emacs to work with Caseys .emacs.
Hey, I found this site: very useful with my first struggles in Emacs. I got quite confident, but it was still frustrating - so I tried SublimeText and I liked it. So I stuck with ST till now.

Here is the thing you asked for (not really rebindable, but built in):
Standard Copy Paste Keys

First, turn on the CUA mode, under the menu 〖Options ▸ C-x/C-c/C-v Cut and Paste (CUA)〗. The CUA mode will activate the following shortcuts:

【Ctrl+x】 for cut
【Ctrl+c】 for copy
【Ctrl+v】 for paste
【Ctrl+z】 for undo (emacs 23 (2009-07) or later)
Also, it will highlight when a region of a text is selected. And, when a text is selected, typing any text will automatically replace the current selection. Pressing the ⌫ Backspace key will also delete the selection.

I hope that helps..
Well, I am fine with Atom, no need to try the sublimetext nagware. Thing is that I want the features of Caseys .emacs file without some of the weirder keybindings.
Remapping ctrl c seems to be really hard, there is cua mode, but it is not working right with Caseys .emacs file :dry:
so I am not really a emacs user. but can understand it since I a vim user.

If you are going to use a editor use it stock until you know what you want to change. then learn how to change it. Learn why the editor set up the defaults the way they did. You still may just change it but knowing why may make you look at it differently. So if you do want to use Casey's .emacs file instead of doing your own for what you need. but want things changed. It just rolls back to the learn why the editor did it the way it did. Then learn how to change things to how it will benefit you. So go learn elisp and remap the keys. Know how to change your editor and how to use it makes you more powerful. I think after working with vim for a bit. His .emacs file is a reason why Casey is so fast about moving between files. and errors and some of the other things he does. Because he knows his editor. Learn it then change it to make you more productive. But just because it does not follow something so simply like copy and paste. It may have a reason for doing it. (end wall of thought text)