Which libraries would you use?

If you were making a game like Handmade Hero without the restriction of not using any libraries, which libraries would you choose?

Also, if you don't have see enough lines of code at once with your stream resolution, you could switch to different bracing style. :P
* stb_image.c
* stb_vorbis.c
* OpenGL
All of those mentioned by glaze plus glm for easy and opengl "compatible" vector/matrix math functions.

Edited by Thomas Frase on
still pretty minimalistic. :cheer:

personally, i'd probably want something for physics and text-drawing.
kIf I was making a game I'd use a game engine.

If I was making an engine because my game required something fancy that didn't exist yet I'd go with SDL2/OpenGL.

... and I'm pretty terrible at making games if the wasteland of unfinished projects on my hard-drive is any indication.

Turns out I enjoy writing engines more than anything.


I'd also add:

and if I needed phsyics... probably Box or Squirrel.

Edited by James King on Reason: forgot some libraries I should've mentioned.
I would second the stb_* libraries as a good choice. Extremely easy to put into your project, and do not seem to have a history of going rogue or breaking over time like a lot of other libraries.

- Casey