G'day Ted,
I just registered here so I could say thanks and great work on these articles!
They're really well written and paced, and I'm having fun doing a little translation from objective-c to swift as I go through them.
Working on a non-Xcode project (just using Xcode as a text editor) really made me appreciate how much I rely on auto-complete for using the Apple frameworks and libraries - don't know what you've got 'til it's gone and all that. I ended up making an Xcode command-line project to do the dev in, then in my build bash file I copy the file out of there into the 'clean' handmade style folder. Seems to work pretty well.
Please keep up the great series!
And now, for everyone else's benefit - here are the next few articles Ted's written:
Day 002 Article
Day 002 Repo
Day 003 Article
Day 003 Repo
Day 004 Article
Day 004 Repo