The only gamepad I have is a Dualshock 3, so I grabbed the XInput wrapper for it, installed it, and tried it out and it all worked great. The screen moved around like it should and the tone changed.
Well, that was working as of the part where we separated user input. (Day 13). I'm working on Day 17 now and the controller is not responding. I keep getting a "device not connected" error (1167) at:
| XInputGetState(controllerIndex, &controllerState) == ERROR_SUCCESS
I know my controller is detected by Windows, as it shows in the SCP Monitor and it works with other games. Did we write anything between day 14 and 17 that may have broken controller input? Has anyone else had much luck using Playstation controllers with Handmade Hero?
And I'm not asking if Casey's code was broken, but more that if any of the work we did could have broken gamepad input if coded wrong. (My keyboard input works fine.)