Anyone else using Notepad++?

I wanted to try to use Emacs, but I couldn't quite figure it out(well, given I didn't put much time into figuring it out)

I'm using Notepad++ to write my code, and I have it linked to my build.bat, only issue that is bothering me is that Notepad++ doesn't show parameter hints or autocomplete functions. At this point I'd rather use Visual studio to write the code, but that makes using my build.bat a hassle.

Anyone know how I can setup Notepad++ to show hints and finish functions? I've already set language to C, and enabled parameter hints and auto finish in the settings preferences, but still nothing.
Settings -> Preferences -> Backup/Auto-Completion

Enable auto-completion on each input.
- Function completion
- Word completion

(I have a few plugins installed but I'm pretty sure this is a setting in the vanilla install of NP++)

Personally I just changed from NP++ to (just a week or so ago) because the amount of files open where really hard to jump between in NP++, using the smaller and smaller tabs just became a guessing game, so I needed something with a File tree on the left to navigate in.

Personally I just changed from NP++ to (just a week or so ago) because the amount of files open where really hard to jump between in NP++, using the smaller and smaller tabs just became a guessing game, so I needed something with a File tree on the left to navigate in.

Tree like structure in Notepad++ without plugin.
Notepad++ -> View-> Project-> choose Panel 1 OR Panel 2 OR Panel 3 ->

It will create a sub part Wokspace on the left side -> Right click on Workspace & click Add Project -> Again right click on Project which is created recently -> And click on Add Files From Directory.

Edited by hendrix on

Personally I just changed from NP++ to (just a week or so ago) because the amount of files open where really hard to jump between in NP++, using the smaller and smaller tabs just became a guessing game, so I needed something with a File tree on the left to navigate in.

Tree like structure in Notepad++ without plugin.
Notepad++ -> View-> Project-> choose Panel 1 OR Panel 2 OR Panel 3 ->

It will create a sub part Wokspace on the left side -> Right click on Workspace & click Add Project -> Again right click on Project which is created recently -> And click on Add Files From Directory.

Nice, thanks. I might "have to" change back now.