Although it sometimes drops few samples in startup at first or second frame (I'm guessing it is because Windows is figuring out or caching something in background).
To avoid start-up glitches with rendering streams, clients should not call Start until the audio engine has been initially loaded with data by calling the IAudioRenderClient::GetBuffer and IAudioRenderClient::ReleaseBuffer methods on the rendering interface.Filling the audio buffer at initialization is not the solution since it would introduce latency (since we can't overwrite previous samples). One solution is to start the buffer the first time we fill data in it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | int SamplesToWrite = 0; UINT32 SoundPaddingSize; if (SUCCEEDED(GlobalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&SoundPaddingSize))) { int MaxSampleCount = (int)(SoundOutput.SecondaryBufferSize - SoundPaddingSize); SamplesToWrite = (int) SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount - SoundPaddingSize; if (SamplesToWrite < 0) { SamplesToWrite = 0; } assert(SamplesToWrite <= MaxSampleCount); } /* Instead of int SamplesToWrite = 0; UINT32 SoundPaddingSize; if (SUCCEEDED(GlobalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&SoundPaddingSize))) { SamplesToWrite = (int)(SoundOutput.SecondaryBufferSize - SoundPaddingSize); if (SamplesToWrite > SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount) { SamplesToWrite = SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount; } } */ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 | UINT32 pendingSamples; UINT32 samplesToFill = (uint32)(targetSecondsPerFrame * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); UINT32 skipSamples = 0; UINT64 playPosition, queryWallClock, flipPlayPosition, playPositionOnNextFrame; globalSoundOutputClock->GetPosition(&playPosition, &queryWallClock); globalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&pendingSamples); flipPlayPosition = playPosition + (uint64)(secondsRemainingUntilFrameFlip * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); playPositionOnNextFrame = playPosition + (uint64)(targetSecondsPerFrame * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); if(flipPlayPosition > (playPosition + pendingSamples)) { if(firstFrameAudio) { skipSamples = (UINT32)(flipPlayPosition - (playPosition + pendingSamples)); } else { samplesToFill += (UINT32)((flipPlayPosition - (playPosition + pendingSamples))); } } else { UINT32 alreadyFilled = (UINT32)(((playPosition + pendingSamples) - flipPlayPosition)); if(samplesToFill > alreadyFilled) { samplesToFill -= alreadyFilled; } else { samplesToFill = 0; } } UINT64 currentFillLevel = (playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples + samplesToFill); UINT64 minimumFillLevel =playPositionOnNextFrame + (UINT64)(((real32)globalSoundOutput.latency/1000.0f) * (real32)(globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond)); if(minimumFillLevel > currentFillLevel) { samplesToFill += (UINT32)((minimumFillLevel - currentFillLevel)); } BYTE *wasapiMemory; if((samplesToFill + skipSamples) > 0) { HRESULT bufferAcquisition =globalSoundOutputClientDevice->GetBuffer((samplesToFill + skipSamples), &wasapiMemory); if(FAILED(bufferAcquisition)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO ACQUIRE BUFFER"); } gameSoundBuffer.memory = (int16*)((BYTE*)(wasapiMemory) + (skipSamples * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample)); gameSoundBuffer.samplesToOutput = samplesToFill; gameSoundBuffer.samplesPerSecond = globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond; ASSERT((gameSoundBuffer.samplesToOutput/globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample) < globalSoundOutput.soundBufferSize); gameGetSoundSamples(&gameMemory, &gameSoundBuffer); HRESULT bufferRelease =globalSoundOutputClientDevice->ReleaseBuffer((samplesToFill + skipSamples), 0); if(FAILED(bufferRelease)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO RELEASE BUFFER"); } if(firstFrameAudio) { firstFrameAudio = false; playResult = globalSoundClient->Start(); if(FAILED(playResult)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO START PLAYING"); } } } #if HANDMADE_INTERNAL soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputPlayCursor = (DWORD)playPosition * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputWriteCursor = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputStartLocation = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].targetCursor = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples + samplesToFill) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].flipPlayCursor = (DWORD)(flipPlayPosition * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample); sprintf_s(title, "ElapsedFrameTime:%.2fms, Pending:%.2fms, Sum:%.2fms",secondsElapsedFromFrameStartToAudioWriteBegin * 1000.0f, ((real32)pendingSamples/(real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond) * 1000.0f, (secondsElapsedFromFrameStartToAudioWriteBegin * 1000.0f) + ( ((real32)pendingSamples/(real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond) * 1000.0f)); //THE SUM IS ALWAYS ABOUT 30ms ON A LOW LATENCY CARD SetWindowText(windowHandle,title); #endif |
@Mārtiņš Možeiko, any chance you could make your code available online again?
If you want the code for handmade hero, you'll have to wait for mmozeiko to reply, or maybe ask them on the handmade network discord.
If you want an example on how to initialize WASAPI you can have a look at Minimal WASAPI from d7samurai.
Note that you often want/need the audio processing/mixing to be in its own thread, because by default WASAPI will request audio samples every 10ms which doesn't work well if your main loop run every 16ms.
This is an example of how I use it in my programs. This is more complicated that it should be because I tried to avoid using some windows header (I can't say I remember why), so things that start with csh_
or window_
are available in headers and you should use that instead.
Also this is C code that use COM interfaces, so if you use Cpp things like IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod( audio_client, &default_period, &minimum_period );
Will look like audio_client->GetDevicePeriod( &default_period, &minimum_period );
You call audio_start
before your main window loop, and audio_update
inside your main loop, and if you want to clean up audio_end
after the main loop. audio_update
only use is to re-initialize the audio system if the default audio device changes while the application is running (like plugin a headset).
The audio is processed in a thread, so you'll need some way to send and process command from the main thread to the audio thread (I do it with a link list of command), in the audio_mixer_render
function (not provided here).
/* Core Audio APIs on msdn: */ // #include <initguid.h> #include "../lib/custom_system_header.h" #define SOUND_ENABLED 1 #if SOUND_ENABLED #define DEBUG_WASAPI 0 #ifndef window_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM #define window_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM 0x0001 #endif #ifndef window_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT #define window_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT 0x0003 #endif #ifndef window_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE #define window_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE 0xFFFE #endif #define AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM 0x80000000 #define guid_wave_extensible( name, data_1 ) csh_define_guid_2( name, data_1, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x8000, 0x00aa00389b71 ) guid_wave_extensible( guid_pcm, window_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ); /* KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM */ guid_wave_extensible( guid_ieee_float, window_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT ); /* KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT */ csh_WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE g_device_mix_format = { 0 }; #if 1 typedef enum audio_error_t { audio_error_failed_to_load_ole32, audio_error_failed_to_find_CoCreateInstance, audio_error_failed_to_find_CoTaskMemFree, audio_error_failed_to_create_device_enumerator, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_default_audio_endpoint, audio_error_failed_to_active_device, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_mix_format, audio_error_failed_to_initialize_audio_client, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_buffer_size, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_render_client_service, audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_client_event, audio_error_failed_to_set_audio_client_event_handle, audio_error_failed_to_create_thread_stopped_event, audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_thread, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_buffer, audio_error_failed_to_release_the_buffer, audio_error_failed_to_get_padding, audio_error_failed_to_start, audio_error_failed_to_stop } audio_error_t; const char* audio_error_strings[ ] = { "audio_error_failed_to_load_ole32", "audio_error_failed_to_find_CoCreateInstance", "audio_error_failed_to_find_CoTaskMemFree", "audio_error_failed_to_create_device_enumerator", "audio_error_failed_to_get_the_default_audio_endpoint", "audio_error_failed_to_active_device", "audio_error_failed_to_get_the_mix_format", "audio_error_failed_to_initialize_audio_client", "audio_error_failed_to_get_the_buffer_size", "audio_error_failed_to_get_the_render_client_service", "audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_client_event", "audio_error_failed_to_set_audio_client_event_handle", "audio_error_failed_to_create_thread_stopped_event", "audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_thread", "audio_error_failed_to_get_the_buffer", "audio_error_failed_to_release_the_buffer", "audio_error_failed_to_get_padding", "audio_error_failed_to_start", "audio_error_failed_to_stop" }; uint16_t audio_error_string_lengths[ ] = { 32, 43, 40, 46, 52, 35, 40, 45, 41, 51, 47, 51, 49, 41, 36, 40, 33, 27, 26 }; uint16_t audio_error_max_string_length = 52; #else /* #include "meta_enums.h" _meta_enum( audio_error, failed_to_load_ole32, failed_to_find_CoCreateInstance, failed_to_find_CoTaskMemFree, failed_to_create_device_enumerator, failed_to_get_the_default_audio_endpoint, failed_to_active_device, failed_to_get_the_mix_format, failed_to_initialize_audio_client, failed_to_get_the_buffer_size, failed_to_get_the_render_client_service, failed_to_create_audio_client_event, failed_to_set_audio_client_event_handle, failed_to_create_thread_stopped_event, failed_to_create_audio_thread, failed_to_get_the_buffer, failed_to_release_the_buffer, failed_to_get_padding, failed_to_start, failed_to_stop ); */ #endif b32 g_audio_restart = false; HRESULT OnDeviceStateChanged_( csh_IMMNotificationClient* This, LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, DWORD dwNewState ) { return S_OK; } HRESULT OnDeviceAdded_( csh_IMMNotificationClient* This, LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId ) { return S_OK; } HRESULT OnDeviceRemoved_( csh_IMMNotificationClient* This, LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId ) { return S_OK; } HRESULT OnDefaultDeviceChanged_( csh_IMMNotificationClient* This, csh_EDataFlow flow, csh_ERole role, LPCWSTR pwstrDefaultDeviceId ) { g_audio_restart = true; return S_OK; } HRESULT OnPropertyValueChanged_( csh_IMMNotificationClient* This, LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, const csh_PROPERTYKEY key ) { return S_OK; } csh_IMMNotificationClientVtbl g_audio_notifications_vtbl = { .OnDeviceStateChanged = OnDeviceStateChanged_, .OnDeviceAdded = OnDeviceAdded_, .OnDeviceRemoved = OnDeviceRemoved_, .OnDefaultDeviceChanged = OnDefaultDeviceChanged_, .OnPropertyValueChanged = OnPropertyValueChanged_ }; csh_IMMNotificationClient g_audio_notifications = { &g_audio_notifications_vtbl }; #include <avrt.h> DWORD audio_thread( void* thread_data ) { u32 error = 0; profiler_timeline_initialize( audio_thread, 100000, &error ); platform_t* platform = cast( platform_t*, thread_data ); DWORD task_index = 0; HANDLE task_handle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW( L"Pro Audio", &task_index ); if ( !task_handle ) { log_l( "[WARNING] Couldn't set the audio thread characteristic to \"Pro Audio\".\n" ); } breakable { REFERENCE_TIME default_period; REFERENCE_TIME minimum_period; HRESULT test = csh_IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod( platform->audio_client, &default_period, &minimum_period ); if ( test != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't get the audio device period.\n" ); break; } u64 samples_per_second = platform->mixer->format.samples_per_second; u64 period_to_second = 10000000; /* NOTE simon (06/10/23 15:28:41): period is expressed in "100 nanoseconds" unit*/ u32 samples_to_fill = cast( u32, ( cast( f64, default_period ) / period_to_second ) * samples_per_second ); HRESULT success = csh_IAudioClient_Start( platform->audio_client ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't start the audio client.\n" ); break; } while ( WaitForSingleObject( platform->audio_client_event, INFINITE ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { if ( platform->audio_stop_thread ) { break; } u32 pending_samples; success = csh_IAudioClient_GetCurrentPadding( platform->audio_client, &pending_samples ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't retrieve the audio padding.\n" ); break; } u32 to_fill = samples_to_fill; if ( pending_samples < samples_to_fill ) { to_fill = samples_to_fill - pending_samples; } #if DEBUG_WASAPI memory_get_on_stack( message, kibioctet( 1 ) ); memory_push_copy_l( &message, "audio_thread: " ); string_push_u64( &message, to_fill ); memory_push_u8( &message, "\n" ); debug_d( message ); #endif u8* buffer; success = csh_IAudioRenderClient_GetBuffer( platform->audio_render_client, to_fill, &buffer ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't get the audio buffer.\n" ); break; } profiler_event_start( audio_mixer_render ); audio_mixer_render( platform->mixer, buffer, to_fill ); profiler_event_end( audio_mixer_render ); success = csh_IAudioRenderClient_ReleaseBuffer( platform->audio_render_client, to_fill, 0 /*csh_AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_SILENT */ ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't release the audio buffer.\n" ); break; } } success = csh_IAudioClient_Stop( platform->audio_client ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[ERROR] Couldn't stop the audio client.\n" ); break; } } if ( task_handle ) { AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics( task_handle ); } thread_event_signal( &platform->audio_thread_stopped ); return 0; } u32 g_audio_error = 0; stu void audio_end( platform_t* platform, u32* error ) { /* NOTE simon (13/10/23 17:22:18): Release functions that are "derived" from IUnknown return the reference count left for the object. We don't want to compare them to S_OK */ if ( platform->audio_enumerator ) { HRESULT success = csh_IMMDeviceEnumerator_UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback( platform->audio_enumerator, &g_audio_notifications ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[WARNING][Audio] Couldn't unregister audio notification callbacks.\n" ); } csh_IMMDeviceEnumerator_Release( platform->audio_enumerator ); platform->audio_enumerator = 0; } if ( platform->audio_thread ) { platform->audio_stop_thread = true; /* NOTE simon (13/10/23 16:29:55): Do I need a memory fence here ? */ WaitForSingleObject( platform->audio_thread_stopped, INFINITE ); platform->audio_stop_thread = false; platform->audio_thread = 0; } if ( platform->audio_thread_stopped ) { CloseHandle( platform->audio_thread_stopped ); platform->audio_thread_stopped = 0; } if ( platform->audio_client_event ) { CloseHandle( platform->audio_client_event ); platform->audio_client_event = 0; } if ( platform->audio_render_client ) { csh_IAudioRenderClient_Release( platform->audio_render_client ); platform->audio_render_client = 0; } if ( platform->audio_client ) { csh_IAudioClient_Release( platform->audio_client ); platform->audio_client = 0; } } stu void audio_start( platform_t* platform, audio_mixer_t* mixer, u32* error ) { /* NOTE simon: Kernel streaming (KS) refers to the Microsoft-provided services that support kernel-mode processing of streamed data. */ /* NOTE simon: "In exclusive mode, the client can choose to open the stream in any audio format that the endpoint device supports. In shared mode, the client must open the stream in the mix format that is currently in use by the audio engine (or a format that is similar to the mix format). The audio engine's input streams and the output mix from the engine are all in this format. In Windows 7, a new feature called low-latence mode has been added for streams in share mode. In this mode, the audio engine runs in pull mode, in which there a significant reduction in latency. This is very useful for communication applications that require low audio stream latency for faster streaming." "An application that uses WASAPI to manage shared-mode streams can rely on the audio engine to perform only limited format conversions. The audio engine can convert between a standard PCM sample size used by the application and the floating-point samples that the engine uses for its internal processing. However, the format for an application stream typically must have the same number of channels and the same sample rate as the stream format used by the device." */ /* NOTE simon: If you want to do manual resampling you can do it with Media Foundation api using CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject object. wcap code uses it to resample captured wasapi audio for audio encoding to mp4. */ /* NOTE simon: Raymond Chen on COM interface */ _assert( platform->audio_enumerator == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_client == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_render_client == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_client_event == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_thread == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_thread_stopped == 0 ); _assert( platform->audio_stop_thread == 0 ); csh_IMMDeviceEnumerator* enumerator = 0; csh_IMMDevice* device = 0; breakable { breakable_check( error ); HMODULE ole_dll = LoadLibraryW( L"Ole32.dll" ); // LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter if ( !ole_dll ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_load_ole32 ); break; } struct IUnknown; typedef HRESULT CoCreateInstance_t( const IID* rclsid, struct IUnknown* pUnkOuter, DWORD dwClsContext, const IID* riid, LPVOID *ppv ); CoCreateInstance_t* CoCreateInstance = ( CoCreateInstance_t* ) GetProcAddress( ole_dll, "CoCreateInstance" ); if ( !CoCreateInstance ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_find_CoCreateInstance ); break; } typedef void CoTaskMemFree_t( void* pv ); CoTaskMemFree_t* CoTaskMemFree = ( CoTaskMemFree_t* ) GetProcAddress( ole_dll, "CoTaskMemFree" ); if ( !CoTaskMemFree ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_find_CoTaskMemFree ); break; } HRESULT success = CoCreateInstance( ( const IID * ) &csh_CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, csh_CLSCTX_ALL, ( const IID* ) &csh_IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, ( void** ) &enumerator ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_create_device_enumerator ); break; } platform->audio_enumerator = enumerator; FreeLibrary( ole_dll ); success = csh_IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDefaultAudioEndpoint( enumerator, csh_eRender, csh_eConsole, &device ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_default_audio_endpoint ); break; } success = csh_IMMDevice_Activate( device, ( const IID* ) &csh_IID_IAudioClient, csh_CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, ( void** ) &platform->audio_client ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_active_device ); break; } csh_WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE* device_mix_format; success = csh_IAudioClient_GetMixFormat( platform->audio_client, ( csh_WAVEFORMATEX** ) &device_mix_format ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_mix_format ); break; } g_device_mix_format = deref( device_mix_format ); CoTaskMemFree( device_mix_format ); device_mix_format = 0; csh_WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE buffer_format = { 0 }; /* NOTE simon (27/06/24 16:15:19): buffer_format.Format.cbSize is not the size of the whole structure, only the size of the additional bytes. It should be 22. */ #if 0 buffer_format.Format.wFormatTag = window_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; buffer_format.Format.nChannels = mixer->format.channel_count; buffer_format.Format.nSamplesPerSec = mixer->format.samples_per_second; buffer_format.Format.wBitsPerSample = mixer->format.container_size * 8; buffer_format.Format.nBlockAlign = mixer->format.channel_count * mixer->format.container_size; buffer_format.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = buffer_format.Format.nSamplesPerSec * buffer_format.Format.nBlockAlign; buffer_format.Format.cbSize = sizeof( buffer_format ) - sizeof( buffer_format.Format ); buffer_format.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = mixer->format.bits_per_sample; buffer_format.dwChannelMask = mixer->format.channel_mask; buffer_format.SubFormat = csh_guid_pcm; #else buffer_format.Format.wFormatTag = window_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; buffer_format.Format.nChannels = mixer->format.channel_count; buffer_format.Format.nSamplesPerSec = mixer->format.samples_per_second; buffer_format.Format.wBitsPerSample = 32; buffer_format.Format.nBlockAlign = mixer->format.channel_count * ( 32 / 8 ); /* NOTE simon (27/06/24 14:27:42): 4 bytes per sample.*/ buffer_format.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = buffer_format.Format.nSamplesPerSec * buffer_format.Format.nBlockAlign; buffer_format.Format.cbSize = sizeof( buffer_format ) - sizeof( buffer_format.Format ); buffer_format.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 32; buffer_format.dwChannelMask = mixer->format.channel_mask; buffer_format.SubFormat = csh_guid_ieee_float; #endif /* NOTE simon (11/10/23 16:27:02): 1 reference_time = 100 nanoseconds = 1 sec / 10 000 000 10000000 is 1 seconde. */ u64 buffer_duration = 10000000; success = csh_IAudioClient_Initialize( platform->audio_client, csh_AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, csh_AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM | csh_AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_SRC_DEFAULT_QUALITY | csh_AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, buffer_duration, 0, &buffer_format.Format, 0 ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_initialize_audio_client ); break; } #if 0 u32 buffer_size_in_samples = 0; success = csh_IAudioClient_GetBufferSize( platform->audio_client, &buffer_size_in_samples ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_buffer_size ); break; } #endif success = csh_IAudioClient_GetService( platform->audio_client, ( const IID* ) &csh_IID_IAudioRenderClient, ( void** ) &platform->audio_render_client ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_get_the_render_client_service ); break; } platform->mixer = mixer; platform->audio_client_event = CreateEventW( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( !platform->audio_client_event ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_client_event ); break; } success = csh_IAudioClient_SetEventHandle( platform->audio_client, platform->audio_client_event ); if ( success != S_OK ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_set_audio_client_event_handle ); break; } platform->audio_thread_stopped = CreateEventW( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( !platform->audio_thread_stopped ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_create_thread_stopped_event ); break; } platform->audio_thread = CreateThread( 0, 0, audio_thread, platform, 0, 0 ); if ( !platform->audio_thread ) { set_error( error, audio_error_failed_to_create_audio_thread ); break; } SetThreadDescription( platform->audio_thread, L"Audio thread" ); success = csh_IMMDeviceEnumerator_RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback( enumerator, &g_audio_notifications ); if ( success != S_OK ) { log_l( "[WARNING][Audio] Couldn't register audio notification callbacks.\n" ); } } if ( is_error( error ) ) { audio_end( platform, error ); } if ( device ) { csh_IMMDevice_Release( device ); } } stu void audio_update( platform_t* platform, u32* error ) { if ( g_audio_restart ) { audio_end( platform, error ); g_audio_restart = false; audio_start( platform, platform->mixer, error ); } }