Although it sometimes drops few samples in startup at first or second frame (I'm guessing it is because Windows is figuring out or caching something in background).
To avoid start-up glitches with rendering streams, clients should not call Start until the audio engine has been initially loaded with data by calling the IAudioRenderClient::GetBuffer and IAudioRenderClient::ReleaseBuffer methods on the rendering interface.Filling the audio buffer at initialization is not the solution since it would introduce latency (since we can't overwrite previous samples). One solution is to start the buffer the first time we fill data in it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | int SamplesToWrite = 0; UINT32 SoundPaddingSize; if (SUCCEEDED(GlobalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&SoundPaddingSize))) { int MaxSampleCount = (int)(SoundOutput.SecondaryBufferSize - SoundPaddingSize); SamplesToWrite = (int) SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount - SoundPaddingSize; if (SamplesToWrite < 0) { SamplesToWrite = 0; } assert(SamplesToWrite <= MaxSampleCount); } /* Instead of int SamplesToWrite = 0; UINT32 SoundPaddingSize; if (SUCCEEDED(GlobalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&SoundPaddingSize))) { SamplesToWrite = (int)(SoundOutput.SecondaryBufferSize - SoundPaddingSize); if (SamplesToWrite > SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount) { SamplesToWrite = SoundOutput.LatencySampleCount; } } */ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 | UINT32 pendingSamples; UINT32 samplesToFill = (uint32)(targetSecondsPerFrame * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); UINT32 skipSamples = 0; UINT64 playPosition, queryWallClock, flipPlayPosition, playPositionOnNextFrame; globalSoundOutputClock->GetPosition(&playPosition, &queryWallClock); globalSoundClient->GetCurrentPadding(&pendingSamples); flipPlayPosition = playPosition + (uint64)(secondsRemainingUntilFrameFlip * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); playPositionOnNextFrame = playPosition + (uint64)(targetSecondsPerFrame * (real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond); if(flipPlayPosition > (playPosition + pendingSamples)) { if(firstFrameAudio) { skipSamples = (UINT32)(flipPlayPosition - (playPosition + pendingSamples)); } else { samplesToFill += (UINT32)((flipPlayPosition - (playPosition + pendingSamples))); } } else { UINT32 alreadyFilled = (UINT32)(((playPosition + pendingSamples) - flipPlayPosition)); if(samplesToFill > alreadyFilled) { samplesToFill -= alreadyFilled; } else { samplesToFill = 0; } } UINT64 currentFillLevel = (playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples + samplesToFill); UINT64 minimumFillLevel =playPositionOnNextFrame + (UINT64)(((real32)globalSoundOutput.latency/1000.0f) * (real32)(globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond)); if(minimumFillLevel > currentFillLevel) { samplesToFill += (UINT32)((minimumFillLevel - currentFillLevel)); } BYTE *wasapiMemory; if((samplesToFill + skipSamples) > 0) { HRESULT bufferAcquisition =globalSoundOutputClientDevice->GetBuffer((samplesToFill + skipSamples), &wasapiMemory); if(FAILED(bufferAcquisition)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO ACQUIRE BUFFER"); } gameSoundBuffer.memory = (int16*)((BYTE*)(wasapiMemory) + (skipSamples * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample)); gameSoundBuffer.samplesToOutput = samplesToFill; gameSoundBuffer.samplesPerSecond = globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond; ASSERT((gameSoundBuffer.samplesToOutput/globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample) < globalSoundOutput.soundBufferSize); gameGetSoundSamples(&gameMemory, &gameSoundBuffer); HRESULT bufferRelease =globalSoundOutputClientDevice->ReleaseBuffer((samplesToFill + skipSamples), 0); if(FAILED(bufferRelease)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO RELEASE BUFFER"); } if(firstFrameAudio) { firstFrameAudio = false; playResult = globalSoundClient->Start(); if(FAILED(playResult)) { ASSERT(!"FAILED TO START PLAYING"); } } } #if HANDMADE_INTERNAL soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputPlayCursor = (DWORD)playPosition * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputWriteCursor = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].outputStartLocation = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].targetCursor = (DWORD)(playPosition + pendingSamples + skipSamples + samplesToFill) * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample; soundDebugMarkers[soundDebugCurrentMarker].flipPlayCursor = (DWORD)(flipPlayPosition * globalSoundOutput.bytesPerSample); sprintf_s(title, "ElapsedFrameTime:%.2fms, Pending:%.2fms, Sum:%.2fms",secondsElapsedFromFrameStartToAudioWriteBegin * 1000.0f, ((real32)pendingSamples/(real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond) * 1000.0f, (secondsElapsedFromFrameStartToAudioWriteBegin * 1000.0f) + ( ((real32)pendingSamples/(real32)globalSoundOutput.samplesPerSecond) * 1000.0f)); //THE SUM IS ALWAYS ABOUT 30ms ON A LOW LATENCY CARD SetWindowText(windowHandle,title); #endif |
@Mārtiņš Možeiko, any chance you could make your code available online again?
If you want the code for handmade hero, you'll have to wait for mmozeiko to reply, or maybe ask them on the handmade network discord.
If you want an example on how to initialize WASAPI you can have a look at Minimal WASAPI from d7samurai.
Note that you often want/need the audio processing/mixing to be in its own thread, because by default WASAPI will request audio samples every 10ms which doesn't work well if your main loop run every 16ms.
[EDIT] Removed the code as it wasn't good.
This is a bit strange code - why ole32 is loaded dynamically? It's not like it can be missing from system. It would be loading like user32 dynamically for CreateWindowEx function. It's not technically wrong thing to do, just pretty useless imho.
Note that you often want/need the audio processing/mixing to be in its own thread, because by default WASAPI will request audio samples every 10ms which doesn't work well if your main loop run every 16ms.
That's not really a problem. You just submit audio frame a two ahead. Just like with DirectSound. The real reason why to put wasapi on thread is so to make latency smaller. Which can be done way better than with DS. But that obviously complicates code and makes you write WASAPI usage very differently - that's why I deleted that gist. It was just not a good way to use WASAPI.
I have a different gist though -
It wraps WASAPI in a tiny single-header library that exposes very similar api as DirectSound. So replacing DS with this would be very very easy. It's also not the best way to use WASAPI, but is decent enough. Example source on top of gist shows how to use it.
I think I had a reason at the moment of writing that for loading ole32 dynamically, but I can't remember and it was probably not a good reason.
I'll remove the code as it was just to give a concrete example, but I should have cleaned it up before posting it.
You just submit audio frame a two ahead.
For some reason I thought that when using the callback event we had to submit a specific size. Thanks for reminding me.
Thank you both for the code examples! Turns out my code worked out in the end, I can't hear a noticeable latency when pressing a mouse and playing a gunshot. But it's good to check against some baselines for a sanity check.
@Mārtiņš Možeiko, how did you figure out how to get WASAPI running in C? I've been looking all over for that until I finally caved in and switched to C++
It's based on COM. Any COM api is very easy to call from C. It all works the same way. Be it WASAPI, D3D11 or D3D12 and others.
Here's high-level information how it works: