Hello people of HMH,
It seems I can build HMH without errors or warnings. I use Win7, VS2017 with 10.0.16299.0 installed.
I've also built the assets with test_asset_builder.exe.
The problem appears when I want to run hmh. When I run it with:
"w:\handmade\data>w:\build\win32_handmade.exe" It shows a black windows and then ends
If I then run it in VS debugger I get:
Exception thrown at 0x000007FECD8A3A67 (handmade_temp.dll) in win32_handmade.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000003C4A1000. occurred
At line:
| asset_basic_category TypeID = Asset_None;
for(u32 AssetTagIndex = Asset->HHA.FirstTagIndex;
AssetTagIndex < Asset->HHA.OnePastLastTagIndex;
Stops at this line --> if(Assets->Tags[AssetTagIndex].ID == Tag_BasicCategory)
TypeID = (asset_basic_category)RoundReal32ToInt32(Assets->Tags[AssetTagIndex].Value);
I guess I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?