Can someone give me the code at the end of the day 004, because my pc broke up, and i lost it?


Edited by Tudor on
There's a link on "Lost download link? Have it resent."

Side note: It is not our place to share Casey's copyrighted source code because it's not under an open source license. And while it's a bummer that you had computer problems, if you can't recover the source using that download link, there's nothing we can do for you. If you haven't already bought the source and therefore can't use that link, I would propose going ahead and doing so.

Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on
I havent preordered the game.
Please send me the code, man!

Edited by Tudor on
If you haven't preordered the game, you won't have received a code to lose, whether because your PC broke up or any other reason.
I repeat: It is not our place to share Casey's copyrighted source code because it's not under an open source license.

Sad as it is that you lost your progress following along, it doesn't give us the moral or legal right to share the code. You can contact Casey and ask him nicely if he'll send you the source code up until day 4, but it isn't up to anyone else to make that decision on his behalf and share it, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped asking our community to essentially screw over Casey like this.

Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on
Whats Casey's email?