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Handmade Hero»Forums»HandmadeCon
Asaf Gartner
64 posts / 3 projects
Handmade Network Staff
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Meetups Spreadsheet

We can use this to organize meetups before or after the con.
There's already one meetup lined up.
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Beautiful. Asaf, you're the man now, dog!
JR Smith
2 posts
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Thank you for setting this up! I'll be out the week before the con for work and am looking forward to meeting people.
Jake Johnson
7 posts
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Now I wish I was getting in earlier.
21 posts / 2 projects
HMCon 2016 Meetups
I look forward to meeting you guys!
Timothy Barnes
28 posts / 1 project
HMCon 2016 Meetups
I have time between Thursday afternoon to Monday morning.
Has anyone here visited the Living Computer Museum before?
1 posts
HMCon 2016 Meetups
I'll be around from midnight Friday until about 9pm Sunday. So I'm down to meet folks either late Friday or all evening Saturday.
Daniel F. Hanson
2 posts
Gameplay engineer at Bungie. Always aspiring for something greater.
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Greetings, all! I called 8oz Burger and made an overflow table reservation for tomorrow (Thursday) night, so I'm hoping to nudge over and lurk in the main table conversation. There's room for two more people, and they mentioned another 5-person table in case even more people sneak in.

I also created a Campfire BBQ entry in the Meetup sheet for Saturday evening. I haven't actually made a reservation yet, because I wanted to gauge interest first. I plan on going there for dinner regardless, but please do feel free to add your name and join me. If enough people sign up, I'll make the reservation tomorrow.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Quade Zaban
1 posts
HMCon 2016 Meetups
Hello! Many thanks to Asaf for setting this up. My agenda is going to be open all weekend. Very much looking forward to meeting up with people!