We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Handmade Hero»Forums»Game
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Edited by Abner Coimbre on
Done. List now has all the handmade projects I'm aware of. Some statistics:

Ongoing projects: 13
Completed Projects: 3

For a total of 16 independent projects inspired by the series.
Jeremiah Goerdt
208 posts / 1 project
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Sorry to do this to you Abner, but I'd like to edit my Handmade project. It has evolved into something very different.

Should I edit my old post, make a new post, and/or send you a new description for the front page?
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
I kid. Make a new post and I'll gladly update the list. Martin Cohen did that at one point too. Projects evolve, no worries.
Jeremiah Goerdt
208 posts / 1 project
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Edited by Jeremiah Goerdt on
Dungeon Lab is a project that I wanted to start because of the lack of transparency in available game engines. There are some open source engines out there that let you dive into the code, but few of them output well-structured, readable code. So, I decided to make a game engine for roguelikes.

Dungeon Lab will allow users to look at all the code and see exactly what the code looks like once you export your game.

## A Game Engine Built For Learning

My vision for Dungeon Lab is a game engine that lets users start at the top with a prefab game engine while also allowing them to dive deeper as they learn more.

Start with configuring your game through gui elements. Once you've learned a few things, you can start scripting your game through a simple scripting language. Finally, once you're ready to start learning to write low level code, take a look at the C code yourself and make your game exactly what you want it to be.

Hopefully this can be a tool to get more people into making games and learning about how computers work. Programming is too much fun to hide the code behind a graphical game-making engine.

### Project Overview

  • Language: C
  • Editor: Vim
  • Libraries: SDL, stb
  • Repository: GitHub
  • Misc: GIMP, GDB

### Development Goals

Create a graphical game engine that...

  • * is used for making roguelikes.
  • * exposes all code, from the engine to the game.
  • * encourages learning from high to low level.
  • * allows gui interaction, scripting, and coding of roguelikes.
  • * is stable and usable on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX, etc.).
  • * teaches me a lot about programming while making it.

### Misc

I originally started working on a roguelike of my own for my handmade project, but it sort of evolved into me wanting to build tools to help others make roguelikes. Thus, Dungeon Lab (laboratory or labyrinth, you decide) was born!

While I'm working on the engine, I will be simultaneously creating two very simple roguelikes in order to motivate decisions made about the engine. Each step of the way, I will have a specific mechanic from each game in mind, which will determine what modules need to be added.

It's a big project (my biggest ever, in fact) so it will be a while before it's finished. The first step is to get the bare minimum in place so people can poke at the engine and give me feedback on how it works.

Stay tuned! I will add images and videos as I create them for previews and demos of how the project is coming along. Also keep an eye on my site, GamesKraft, in case I get the urge to write about how things are going.
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Your project is now updated. I've removed YouTube previews as there are reports of them not showing up as we transition the forums, but project links and screenshots should still be intact.

Good luck with your project Captain!
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
I should have sent an e-mail to the developers still working on their projects. If I didn't it's because I don't have it. Please e-mail me at [email protected] with just your Project Title as the subject header. We need to discuss some things related to http://handmadedev.org :)
Joel Davis
20 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Hey, just noticed this thread. I've got a little project inspired by HMH. In fact, it was started when I got back to my hotel room after Handmadecon in a fit of inspiration. It's just a simple single-file, header only .OBJ loader, but it was fun sticking to the no libc, no mallocs, style of programming.

http://www.tapnik.com/blog/tk-objfile.html (blog post about it)

thanks for organizing these.
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
Edited by Abner Coimbre on Reason: Fix numbering.

It's been a journey but we're finally about to transition from this sticky thread to a full-blown website thanks to many people's hard work and support.

Quick bullet points to those featuring their project at launch:

1. Jeroen is closing down these forums sometime after 6:00PM PDT today.

2. After forums and some other things are imported into handmade.network (not sure how long it'll take, but not terribly long), those with internal access to the site can see the working version throughout the weekend.

We request our launch partners to go to their profiles to update their bios, themes, and to at least make an initial blog post or forum post (preferably both). Once the "upload build" option is ready (check regularly throughout the weekend) and you're able to upload an early build or demo of your project, please do so.

This is a way to have existing handmade projects filled with some more content to motivate other people to register their own.

I'll post similar message on Patreon later today. We're very close!

321 posts / 1 project
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
I've been inspired by HMH along with the poor quality of the Visual Studio debugging experience to write my own, tentatively named Remedy. No fancy logo nor URL to link to at the moment.

One of the goals of Remedy is to allow the use of any text editor (e.g., gVim or 4coder) rather than having one editor for code and another sub par editor for debugging (as is the case with Visual Studio).

Anyway, I'll post more details as the project gets further along.
Ginger Bill
222 posts / 3 projects
I am ginger thus have no soul.
Projects Inspired by Handmade Hero
I've been inspired by HMH along with the poor quality of the Visual Studio debugging experience to write my own, tentatively named Remedy. No fancy logo nor URL to link to at the moment.

One of the goals of Remedy is to allow the use of any text editor (e.g., gVim or 4coder) rather than having one editor for code and another sub par editor for debugging (as is the case with Visual Studio).

Anyway, I'll post more details as the project gets further along.

Are you the guy that sent Casey that email about the debugger, along with videos? Either way, we need a good debugger and one that allows you to bring your own text editor! Thank you for working on it.