The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is happening now. September 23-29, 2024. More info

The Annotation Pushers


I am on a ~2-week break, so I can again do stuff other than moderating.

The Episode Guide ( is not up-to-date, making it the most pressing issue. I've assembled a team of wonderful volunteers who have been motivated to work on the guide recently (community members @Miblo and @effect0r). @Spector, fellow moderator, is helping out as well. We jokingly call ourselves The Annotation Pushers since what we do *for the most part* is push video annotations on Github.

We already have new days annotated but I'm looking into why the auto-update for the guide is not working. Expect updates.

Send a thanks their way and if you'd like to contribute, post here or message me your Git username on Twitter.


Edited by Abner Coimbre on
Delighted to be onboard and giving something back to the community!
Will be good to get this updated with Along with the break this week should get us most of the way updated. Like abner said if you would like to help reply here or msg us on twitter. We are using the issues as a way to not step on each others toes. So if you do want to start make sure no one is assigned to that days issue and comment on it so we can see. (If you can assign your self then do so) The issue page would be
Hey Abner! Sounds good, I'm in in this too! :)
see day 119/120 pull requests - GH is ajohnson23
ajohnson I sent you a invitation to the team, check your email

Edited by Dustin Specht on Reason: bad post
Welcome to the team ajohnson!
Thanks guys for doing all this! I hear from people all the time who say that the Episode Guide is way better than trying to use YouTube, so I know it is a very popular thing with folks trying to study the videos...

- Casey
Also, if you are editing the GitHub, please make sure you add yourself to the "Thanks!" page on there, or send me e-mail with your name so I can do it, one or the other! It's in the same GitHub as the episode guide.

- Casey
Casey, I am also helping with the annotations.
We got the Episode Guide working again! You'll notice the new days we've added and will continue updating them.
I updated with all the stubs for the missing video's If you notice any typos let us know or just go fix it.

But at least it is populated with all the current videos again.

Edited by Dustin Specht on
I updated the episode guide to show which episodes lack annotations - "Annotations Incomplete" next to the episode. It also shows if an episode only has Q&A Annotations - "Q&A Annotations only" - and if the episode has notes - "(With Notes)".

This can be handy if you're looking to annotate an episode and need to find an un-annotated one :) I would suggest also checking the git issues too, just to make sure it's not already in progress.

Edited by AndrewJDR on
Personally, Andy, I think what you've done will suffice. By which I actually mean, you've totally nailed it! Great job. Here's to obliterating most of your hard work with our completed annotations.
Hear, hear! B)
I'm catching up with Handmade Hero and am currently around day 63. If you guys would like more help, I'd be interested in helping with annotations. My GitHub username is jpike.