The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Genre? 2D or 3D?

Sorry if it's too early in the game to ask this but do we know what genre the game will fall into? Platformer? Action-adventure? Will it be a 2D or 3D game? Or has Casey just not decided yet one way or the other? Why am I asking you all these questions? Who shot JFK?
Casey's been hinting both at a little bit of Zelda/Binding-Of-Isaac as well as a bit of button mashing action. Or not. It's hard to tell, and he's being kind of wryly cagey about it.

We definitely know it's going to be in 2D though, but with a lot of interesting graphics tech going into it anyway. Think of how Braid looks, or Dust (that's my guess, anyway).
Yes, definitely 2D. Teaching all the 3D math would probably take many months so I felt like it was necessary to do a 2D game first, for sure! You gotta understand all the 2D principles before you can understand 3D principles anyway, since they build on each other.

Plus 2D games are in right now :P

- Casey
Teaching all the 3D math would probably take many months so I felt like it was necessary to do a 2D game first, for sure!

Definitely loving the hint at the possibility that there will be more after Handmade Hero!
Will it be top down isometric?
Not isometric per se, but roughly top-down, yes.

- Casey
Right now I'm imagining it's going to be something like Hack 'n' Slash, minus the in-game codestuff. The game shows a bunch of interesting things we'll likely be dealing with, so have a look at a youtube playthrough if you don't want to buy it. But who knows? It could be something completely different.
Hack'n'Slash didn't really seem like it had all that much in terms of interesting combinatorial complexity in the game code. Like, most of things you could do were very direct manipulation, like "turn this guy's AI from aggressive to passive", etc. It didn't have the kinds of "well if I pour these two potions together and then coat my armor in it, it has the effects of the potions on the armor so if I get hit by something and those effects would neutralize the hit then it protects me" kind of stuff, which I think it much more interesting in terms of how you manage that complexity in the code.

So unless I am wrong about Hack'n'Slash, I suspect Handmade Hero will be very different.

- Casey

Edited by Casey Muratori on
Can we have character stats like strength, agility, dexterity, luck, mind, intelligence, etc.?

Also will there be magical spells like healing and offensive battle magic?

Edited by Chris Morris on
I don't suspect the game will be "stat heavy" in that sense because there is really nothing different in code about having lots of stats that all just end up being weighted in some function. The stuff that interests me more are things that change the code, so things that get convected around and actually change the rules of how things work.

So we'll probably focus on having a large number of _rules_, since those are each unique and have consequences, rather than having a large number of _stats_.

Ie., more Magic: The Gathering, less Dungeons and Dragons :)

- Casey
Ah yeah, that does sound a lot more fun than Dungeons and Dragons anyhow :)