The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Coding along with the series - day 29


Edited by lclhstr on

Edited by lclhstr on
If you would upload your videos to youtube (or any other video sharing site, your choice) then people could subscribe to your channel and get newest videos automatically - less work for you for updating topic, and less work to go to forum to check out it something new is posted.

Edited by lclhstr on Reason: rewording
I'm ok with you posting this, I don't think that's a problem (unless some HMN admin/mod will say otherwise). I thought it would be just simpler for you to post videos in some video-site.

Edited by lclhstr on
Are you compiling 64-bit or 32-bit? For 32-bit you need to use 5.01, for 64-bit build you need to use 5.02.
See here:

For 64-bit it really doesn't make sense to use 5.02 - like how many people really run 64-bit Windows XP. My guess would be very very small number. So small that you can simply ignore those, it's not worth adding additional testing overhead for this case.
Even 32-bit XP could be possibly dropped now. Unless your market is China, they still use XP a lot.

Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on

Edited by lclhstr on
I wrecked my right wrist using cheap traditional mice. Its not just their bad ergonomics, the buttons on the cheap ones are stiff which can cause muscle strain. A few years ago I switched to my left hand and got a Kensington Expert Mouse (its a trackball) and so far no problems.

I love my Kensington Trackball so much I got two of them. The other one is on my desktop at work.

EDIT - Reply doesn't work quite the way you'd expect.
EDIT - Nvm, I figured it out :P

Edited by k2t0f12d on Reason: Um, poop sauce sauce

Edited by lclhstr on

Edited by lclhstr on

Edited by lclhstr on

Edited by lclhstr on Reason: clarification

Edited by lclhstr on

Edited by lclhstr on Reason: added day 23