The "hero" in Handmade Hero

Hello everyone.

My name is Miles.

I am new here, having only found this absolutely brilliant project less than a fortnight ago.

I have been binge watching archived episodes on YouTube for days on end in the hope of catching up with the live stream before the project comes to an end, but with nearly a years worth of episodes to go through, it is going to take some time.

I am a hobbyist programmer who started with Visual Basic and moved from there on to other high level languages like Java, Python, C#, etc. I'm the kind of person who just likes to know things and one thing that always infuriated me with learning material that I found on the internet was the way they would gloss over the lower level details of exactly HOW and WHY things worked the way they did. So, I've slowly been trying to get closer and closer to the metal, moving from those higher level languages down to C++ and C (and I would LOVE to learn some assembly but don't know where to look for freely available material that is relevant).

One thing I have always wanted to program is a game, but I just didn't know where to begin. I have made several attempts with C# and Python (Pygame) but things just weren't right. The learning material available seems to all be of the same structure, which is : "Here's how I made a game, now copy exactly what I did and don't think about anything, just do it." Which to me was of very little value.

That is, until I found Handmade Hero.

So. I simply wanted to express my thanks and gratitude to you Casey, for taking on this project. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and your style of teaching fits my way of learning quite nicely.

YOU. Mr Muratori. Are THE hero in all of this.

Thank you.
Well, thank you very much for the kind words and for taking the time to post them! I hope the series continues to be helpful to you. Come say "hi" on the live stream sometime :)

Best wishes,
- Casey