Can someone please either point out the error in my thinking to me, or am I right?
Back on day 110 the following line was added to supply a value to convert from the width of the virtual monitor to pixels.
result->metersToPixels = (real32)resolutionPixelsX * widthOfMonitor;
My issue is that the resolutionPixelsX only has units of pixels. It's not really a resolution (px / m or px/m^2), it's just pixels.
I'm only on day 118 so I took a quick peak at some more recent code and saw that the previous line has become:
real32 MetersToPixels = (real32)DrawBuffer->Width*WidthOfMonitor;
which hasn't really changed any, it just moved files (although it looked like a lot of cool stuff has been added since day 117 :)). Anyhow, I don't understand how this value can be called meters to pixels. It is multiplying pixels by meters, (# of pixels of the buffer width) * (width of monitor). Using this conversion to go from meters to pixels would give:
meters * pixels * meters, for a value with unites m^2 * px.
Should MetersToPixels be the number of pixels of buffer width / width of monitor (px / m)?
Doing that change of course requires changing the focal length and distance of camera values to get the same screen shot. I found a focal length of 0.25 and distance above target value of 8.6 to give an almost identical image.
Thanks in advance for clarifying my misguided thinking, or confirming I am right ;)