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32 posts
Unproject Debug Camera

I believe that Casey has deleted too many lines while converting GetRenderEntityBasisP to the new Unproject. He deleted the line
DistanceAboveTarget += DEBUGUI_DebugCameraDistance;

This means picking the entities does not work as expected when using the debug camera.

Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Unproject Debug Camera
That was actually intentional at the moment, just because I don't want anything in the game to be "aware" of the debug camera until I explicitly want it to be... but I agree we probably want to pick debug entities with the mouse, so at some point we'll probably need something that allows that. We'll see when we get there!

- Casey