The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Caseys karate warmup video

hello! I know i watched a video on youtube with casey where he had like a red headband and did some post vacation warmup coding, it was like a karate dojo feeling over it.

Does anyone have a link to the video? :D

I'm going to be extremely upset if we don't get a literal "Casey's Karate Warmup Video" now. My expectations have been set. You know what to do Casey... make it happen!

Do you mean Codelesthenics stream?

Yes haha, that's it!

Big thanks! :)

Oh my god, I hadn't seen this yet and it is incredible. This bad boy is gettin a youtube-dl right to the hard drive for safe keepin'

Transfer to VHS tape and pop that bad boy in the VCR for your daily codin' exercise

Replying to mmozeiko (#25439)