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Recommendations for 2D Collision Physics Reference

Hello Handmade Heroes,

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a 2D collision physics reference? I am specifically looking for something like Numerical Recipes which covers the material and provides fast, low-level implementations.

Alternatively, is there a free online code base with similar implementations? I'm talking about fast implementations for things like oriented bounding box - oriented bounding box, circle-OOB, ray casting, etc.

Thank you
Real-Time Collision Detection is the best reference AFAIK.

Edited by Marc Costa on
Thank you, that looks excellent.
Another vote for that book from me. It is pretty good!

Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
You should probably read that book about it to become an expert but if you just want to see some Coding math videos explaining collision detection

I really enjoy Coding Math's videos on YouTube, relatively short videos, easy to understand code split into subject by subject. and he basically start off with a empy code file for every video so there is no requirement of understanding or seeing his previous videos.

He does writes it all in .JS but the principals should be the same(at least as the basics) and unless you're some sort of prodigy its going to be quicker to watch his 4 videos and you'll have a foot in the door of understanding without setting off hours or days to read the book before you see something moving.

Jupp I totally started rambling, I just really think that youtube channel and that guy should have more exposure.