The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Day 174 not on Youtube

Casey, I don't want to be the downer here, but you're slippin'. Where's the Day 174 of Handmade Hero on Youtube? Did the Owl Of Shame eat it? Or maybe it's your "One day older, one day stupider" thing that made you forget to upload, huh? This will not stand, Casey! People DEMAND videos, and you're too deep in it to refuse now. Remember, we're holding your Patreon hostage, so if you do not fix this mistake, all 3 of us will totally stop donating. We know how much you need money for your new game so you better listen! We do not forgive, we do not forget! We are Anonymo... I mean, we do not forgive!
I was asking Casey the same thing via twitter just a minute ago. Using less characters, of course.
wtf? Use past broadcasts god damn it
wtf? Use past broadcasts god damn it

To annotate the episode?
Yeah so actually, Casey is not slippin', but in a turn of events that will surprise no one, the crack engineering team at Google managed to eat the video :( Gory details:

I always upload the video to YouTube immediately after the stream ends. But of course, it takes a while to upload (several minutes) and then a _very_ long time to process, so I don't actually sit there and wait for it, I just hit "publish" and know that it will be posted once it's done.

HOWEVER, once you guys brought this to my attention, I went back into the Handmade Hero Cave and checked the upload and it's sitting there, completely finished - processing at 100% - and the publish button is just sitting there. So I'm like, OK, I'll click that. I click the publish button, and it says, "invalid authentication". And that's that. There's like nothing I could do about it - no way to reauthenticate. GOOD JOB GUYS! Like how about you authenticate when the video starts uploading? Is that on the table?

Anyway, I had to refresh the page, which of course went back to the blank upload page without the video. Luckily it turned out that the video had been processed, so I was able to go into the video manager and find it sitting there, unpublished. I clicked on publish there and now it seems to be published - hopefully :)

- Casey
everything is fine now!
Google ain't slippin', Google slipped.
I click the publish button, and it says, "invalid authentication". And that's that. There's like nothing I could do about it - no way to reauthenticate.

Sounds like a CSRF-token error. It's pretty common these days.
Basically, if you leave a page open for a long time without refreshing, and then try to perform an action, it will probably fail.
Well, one way to make something secure is to make it not work :) There's nothing more secure than something that literally cannot do any operations for anybody!

- Casey

Edited by Casey Muratori on