I built day 164 of Handmade Hero, following the readme. It's the first time I'm doing this (I just preordered, and I've seen some of the videos before). It worked fine and I have a win32_handmade.exe inside the "build" folder. I also have the "handmade/data" folder ready after unpacking the assets zip.
No matter what I do, the game does not display any textures or sound; only the grey background and some yellow and red rectangles.
I have tried to run the exe using devenv and setting the working directory to be "handmade/data". I have also tried copying the contents of "data" to the "build" folder and running the exe as normal, and even created a shortcut to the exe with the "Start in" option set to the "handmade/data" folder. None worked.
Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? Thanks!
This is probably because we have recently switched to doing our own asset packing. You will want to run the asset packing exe (should be built in your build directory) in the handmade/data directory, and it should produce some HHA files. Once you have those, the game should load everything.
Pretty soon we will be able to switch over to actually just shipping an HHA file as the game data. In the meantime, you have to run the asset packer manually.
If I may suggest, you could add the extra packing step in the readme (for other clueless people like me). That is, unless this will change really soon, such as in the next few days.