The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

System requirements to follow along?


What would be the recommended settings to follow along with the series?

From what I gathered in other threads, the recommended settings are:

GPU: Supports OpenGL 3.3
CPU: 4 cores or singe core performance(?)

I am planning to buy a Thinkpad T430 and upgrading its processor to either i7-3632QM or a i7-3540M, The former has more cores but less single thread performance while the latter has less cores but better single threaded performance.

What would be the best choice among the two? Are they even enough to follow along with the series? Or is a stock i5-3320M enough so no need to upgrade?

Edited by Aldrin on
The first 400th episodes should work fine with any computer I think.
After that, the lighting becomes more intensive on the CPU, but even a good desktop CPU will not run it perfectly at times. Any CPU will still works, it will just be slower. I don't remember if the CPU needs to support SSE 4 instructions, but I believe those two CPU support them anyway.

I think you should follow the series, and decide to upgrade if the need arise.
Yeah, I guess it's smarter to not upgrade unless things go slow. Thanks for the advice!

Edited by Aldrin on
So I have just known that Casey uses a W5580 CPU. I tried to compare its benchmark to the CPU's I have listed and all of them beat it in single threaded performance. However, only the 3632qm beat it in overall performance.


I guess I will stick to stock CPU up until 2 cores will be an issue, which from what I'm getting at, will only be once gameplay code starts which still haven't to this day. Am I right about this?
He later switched PC to Kaby Lake - i7-7700K, if I'm not mistaken.

Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
Realized he did changed his machine. But I think I'm good up to day 90 since that's where I have known what computer specs he has.