I'm a brand new follower and ran into the same issue. I bodged around it temporarily by changing "#define TEST_SPHERE 0" to 1 to bypass the FullCast call that's crashing, and the game loaded fine after a rebuild. Obviously not the correct solution, but might help other users until that's fixed, as only having a black screen and a crash wasn't a great first-time experience
The crash was at line 679 of handmade_lighting.cpp
| TransferPPS[RayIndex] = Clamp01(Inner(MoonDir, -ThisRayD))*MoonColor;
with the following callstack
| > handmade_game_temp.dll!RayCast(lighting_work * Work, v3_4x RayOrigin, v3_4x RayD, light_atlas * SpecAtlas, light_atlas * DiffuseAtlas, light_atlas_texel SpecTexel, light_sample_direction * SampleDirections, unsigned short InitialGridIndex, int Debugging) Line 679 C++
handmade_game_temp.dll!FullCast(lighting_work * Work, light_atlas_texel Tile, v3 VoxCenterP, unsigned int EntropyIndex, unsigned short InitialGridIndex) Line 753 C++
handmade_game_temp.dll!ComputeLightPropagationWork(platform_work_queue * Queue, void * Data) Line 931 C++
[Inline Frame] win32_handmade.exe!Win32DoNextWorkQueueEntry(platform_work_queue *) Line 1215 C++
win32_handmade.exe!ThreadProc(void * lpParameter) Line 1250 C++