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11 posts
VS 2015 RC released - many compiler improvements
The release candidate version of Visual Studio was announced/released yesterday during the build conference.


The release notes has many C++ improvements, including better support for modern C++ and a crazy amount of bug fixes:


Perhaps it would be a good idea for Casey to take a look at the changes and update.

One of the things listed there reminded me immediately of a problem with sizeof Casey had to circumvent:
"Extended sizeof The size of a class or struct member variable can now be determined without an instance of the class or struct by using sizeof(). C++11"

And I love this one. So good:
"User-Defined Literals (UDLs) Meaningful suffixes can now be appended to numeric and string literals to give them specific semantics. The compiler interprets suffixed literals as calls to the appropriate UDL-operator. C++11"

I'd kill to have user defined literals in C#. Makes the code so more readable.

Also, there seems to be a lot of optimization too, decreasing compilation times, etc.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2568 posts / 2 projects
VS 2015 RC released - many compiler improvements
I would not recommend updating to RC. While they fix bunch of bugs which is nice, it is still RC. I have bad experience with 2012RC and 2013RC. I tried to use those, but there was bunch of very trivial bugs (like bad codegen or crashing compiler). They were fixed in RTM. If you are OK with that, feel free to experiment of course. But keep in mind there will be bugs. So I would not suggest switching to RC for HH. I would prefer to wait when Community Edition VS2015 will be released.
John Lorre
26 posts
VS 2015 RC released - many compiler improvements
Regarding the new C++ features. If trying to stay cross platform compatible, one has to be careful what to use outside the platform specific files.