Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
1 posts
Stream/YT Videos Series Suggestion @Casey
Hello Casey. First I would like to say that I'm enjoying your videos and stream, you're helping out a lot of people!
I just wanted to suggest that it would be much easier for the beginners, like me :lol: if you could, at the end of each stream/video (before the Q&A), "wrap everything"- all the things we wrote today, with a brief 2-3 minute explanation. (And you could also reserve 1 day of the stream to do a one brief video of what we've done so far, like every 2-3 weeks or so.)
I'm saying it could be easier, because it's hard to keep track of what we have written, if you know what i mean...
Even if I do everything right from the beginning, understand everything etc, at the end of the stream I'm always like: What the hell did I write??... or what was this for... :side: I think many beginners will share my opinion, or maybe not. :silly:

P.S. I didn't know where on the forum to post this, so I apologize if I missed something.
Thanks for your dedication to us-newbies. :)
Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Stream/YT Videos Series Suggestion @Casey
Roger that. I'll see if I can work that in. Keep in mind that, at least after the fact, the Episode Guide starts to fill in that information (eg. https://forums.handmadehero.org/j...videos/win32-platform/day007.html), but those take a while to be posted by community members.

- Casey
21 posts
Stream/YT Videos Series Suggestion @Casey
Personally I find it easy to diff the latest code against the former with a good Windows diff tool (lots of free ones out there). That way I can easily see the "new" code that has been added since last time.

Just as a tip.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2568 posts / 2 projects
Stream/YT Videos Series Suggestion @Casey
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
I'm locally committing all the code for each day to git (svn/hg would also work). Then I can diff any day very easily.