My notes

Hello guys,

as a part of my learning process I'm rewriting my notes to a series of articles for my personal wiki. I'm also using them to implement a game, and I'm slowly covering only those topics that I need to continue (I'm starting with Movement and Collision Detection). Other motivation is to allow my friend, who is a novice and cannot yet comprehend the entire series, to have a simple reference to concepts we're going to use in our game.

The notes are similar to what Iker is doing with his summary illustrations (really a great job there, kudos!). Mine is written in Markdown, and uses pseudo-code instead of math. Images are exported as SVG, so hopefully anyone with a vector editor can make changes to them. As I'm re-watching the videos, I'm also able to add links to enrich the context.

I'm now thinking whether it would be helpful for anyone else, so, please let me know.

Be careful, it's still hot, as I've just finished it, and need to be proof-readed, validated and tested. Here's a first draft chapter. (The link is on a temporary address, until I get and approval from Casey).

My target is to have the articles convering the videos by topic and possibly show multiple variants (from simplest to Casey) so people have an option to cheat in case they are just quickly prototyping.

I would like to make it into a github-hosted wiki so anyone can colaborate (either by pull requests or by being a collaborator).

But before I do so, I'd like to have a go/no-go from Casey, of course.

That is a great start! I'm sure that many people will find this useful. I've actually been wondering if this series is going to result in a "book" in some form eventually. I personally don't think a "stand alone" work would do the material justice but a video series companion (instead of just a terse summary) would be awesome (and kudos to Iker as well!).
@rathersleepy: Thanks a lot! It's quite rough on the edges for now, but it'll get better in time. :)
Hi Martin!

We actually already have a GitHub that supports markdown and stuff, run by the people who do the episode guide... would you like to just put it in there and have it auto-push? We could link it into the site here as you go.

But either way, yes, you have my approval, certainly.

- Casey
Hello Casey,

that sounds great. How can I get in touch with them?

Email me at [email protected] and we can get it set up.

- Casey
@martincohen and @rathersleepy, thanks for the kudos!

@martincohen, those notes are great, they will make an excellent resource, good job!
@ikerms: I'm using your summaries a lot to put them together, so good job to you, dear sir! And thank you!

Just wondering if you are still hosting the notes? The original link is down.
Was just curious to have a look. :)
Hi, I would like to have a look at your notes martincohen I can't see the link you posted originally.

Thank you man.
Hello, sorry for my late reply. Didn't notice the notification in the e-mails. :)

Notes are going to be a part of the HandmadeHero website. An older version of Collision detection article it is now here:
Nice, thanks a lot for the reply man!
Do you need anything else from me to get the notes going, Martin? If so, just let me know!

- Casey

Edited by Casey Muratori on
Hey martin,
Liked the approach of the notes you have taken, very readable. Could I send you my notes to incorporate into yours somehow? If so, what would be the best way to send them to you? They are currently in a word document.

Edited by Oliver Marsh on
@OliverMarsh: Thank you! Yes, of course! You might have catched something that I haven't. I think I have some Word document reader here, so no problem. Send them to [email protected]. I'll take a look.

@cmuratori: No, thanks. I just need to sit with it once more and draw some missing images there. Been busy with something else for last few weeks. :/

@rasoilo: No problem at all!