Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
2 posts
For anyone wanting to use Rust
You will have to do some translating, and I haven't gotten very far yet, but I have written a crate to allow you to work on top of SDL2, in Rust (which means cross-platformness), and it'll work very similarly to how it works on Windows in C.

David Owens II
69 posts
A software engineer that enjoys living in enemy territory.
For anyone wanting to use Rust
Edited by David Owens II on
I started investigating Rust too: http://owensd.io/2015/01/09/handmade-hero---day-1.html.

I gave up on it when the SDL2 bindings were causing a bunch of issues. I haven't look at it since; maybe some of those are fixed now.
2 posts
For anyone wanting to use Rust
It's very easy now, you just use Cargo:

sdl2 = "*"