Do you use the summary illustrations?

I have a couple of questions for anyone that might be using the summary illustrations, in order to see if I should change how they are structured. In case you don´t know about them here is a link:

The main question would be what you use them for and if there is anything on them you would like to be done differently than the way they are (should they be more specific, more general, …).

When we are a few more weeks into the series I can see this being useful for finding when a certain topic was covered. I think its a really cool resource.
Glad to hear that you find them useful phreqtech. I am making slight changes to the format but they will remain similar.
I like them, expecially on episodes where Casey draws a lot it's good to see the overview of that again, but without all the "explanation artifacts" he introduces during the explanation.
Where have these gone? They were on the Coding Resources page but cant find them there anymore.....
You can now find them in the Episode Guide, after each week's links.
Thank you! They moved :)
Hi there,

I enjoy the way you style your notes! It oddly reminds me of CAD drawings (electrical circuit diagramming?) for some reason ... What software do you use to create the notes?

Jeff <>
Jeff, I use Illustrator, but mainly because I already had it. If you are interested on doing something similar any vector drawing program is enough, I would recommend Inkscape as a non-commercial product.
Thanks for the info! :-)

The weekly illustrations are really cool and they seem to help me alot. Love the style, not to dense, just right.
The summary illustrations are really good Ikerms, I use them when analyze Casey's code, the reazon is that I'm not native english speaker and sometime I miss some Casey's explanation, he goes so fast when he talks sometimes.

thank you!
I am a visual learner, I appreciate them very much.
Having iconic anchors is very important for me.

Is there any chance to access the source files of the png's?
So I could make slight changes or translate 'em to my native

I usually use svg's to depict my coding notes and
I have built an advanded developer/system help,
which is build of relative linked svg's.