The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

What happened to the resources page?

what happened to the resources page that we use to have at

There use to be a page with links to ports and other sample code. I can't find it any more.

Edited by Andrew Kabakwu on Reason: Initial post
The Resources page was unfortunately lost with the move to, and was never reinstated. However I have found an archive of it, and have reproduced the page below (with links fixed where appropriate). Bear in mind most of this information dates from circa 2014.

I'll ask Casey if he'd like this info posted somewhere more prominent on HMH's project page, or if it would be better suited on nowadays.

Coding Resources

This section is a compendium of links to articles and source code designed to help you follow Handmade Hero on other operating systems or using other editing environments, and for general coding resources related to Handmade Hero.

MacOS X Ports

Linux Ports

Android Ports

iOS Ports
  • iOS by Zachary O'Keefe

Building with Other Editors and IDEs

Additional Windows Build Options

Framework Builds
  • Qt by Andrew Johnson

Useful Reference Materials

Edited by Alex Baines on
Thank you for gathering all you could find.

I feel it would be a shame to lose this information and it would be great if Casey could add it either back to the site or in the handmade hero section here.

we now have a wiki, that may be a place for some of this (and add some extra info where needed)
For now I've made a dedicated sticky post to house this content: which is also now linked in the sidebar