What is your favorite episode?

I'm only at day 18 so there is so many good things to come.
I was wondering, what is your favorite episode / part?

For me so far 007 and 008 - Writing a Square Wave to DirectSound.
Reason is I worked with sound before in other programming languages / libraries and they always try to hide implementation / low level access making it a huge pain in the ***.

I also loved the whole part with:

#define X_INPUT_GET_STATE(name) DWORD WINAPI name(DWORD dwUserIndex, XINPUT_STATE *pState)
typedef X_INPUT_GET_STATE(x_input_get_state);

Cause it shows some true skill :)

O yeah, I really dislike youtube comments are disabled. I know youtube comments are most of the time crap. But I wondered if it would be the same for HH due to it's audience. For example, I also never bother the comments on Jonathan Blows videos.
My favorite is the one where he gets the thread ID with just one instruction, by reverse engineering the win32 call for getting the thread ID...

I think the YouTube comments are disabled in order to try to drive all of the conversions to one place: here.

Also you can watch the episodes here on the site instead of YouTube if you want, there is an annotations player
Well it would be good if every episode would have a topic here and a link on youtube to that topic.
A topic for each episode might be too much, I'm sure we can come up with more "Topical" topics. Or maybe a tag system... I can only speculate as to the specifics of what awesome new features the site will have next, but I do know that they are working on a Wiki system, and I'm excited to see that here. Once we get a wiki, I'm sure that we can do things like have a page for each video, or pages for each topics or all kinds of things :)
Well it would be good if every episode would have a topic here and a link on youtube to that topic.

I'm pretty sure that has been discussed(What became of it I'm not sure.), everything you are seeing around you is pretty new. You should check out the annotation player(if you haven't) it really makes it easy to find something specific later and jump around and refresh old info.

ref. youtube comments, there was some shitty comments, and it isn't possible to have a good conversation about any subject (especially for others to reference later) in a youtube comment thread.

(back on topic)
I can't really point at a specific episode I like more, but those I expected to be dry and or boring because of the subject but never are, those are pretty good.

I also like the evergreen episodes where Casey starts from scratch on something different, as I'am/was learning (writing out the code and trying to understand it)those were really nice as a break where I didn't need to think in relation to the rest of the code base.
ex. the asset packer/builder episodes and the compression episodes.

Oh and of course any episode where Casey just remakes and explains a function I never knew how worked, but I had wondered.

TL:DR; To someone that wants to know how everything works or can work its all interesting.
The most interesting episode for me was very early on, when Casey showed how he does memory management and how this can effect saving and loading of games, because it could eliminate so much drudgery.

The least interesting episodes for me, is when he goes heavily into graphics and related maths, as I'm not interested in graphics at all. I guess I'll never be a game dev. lol

I also like when he goes on rants against stupidity in the industry. There's a Youtube channel that just collects clips of Casey doing that. Sorry can't remember its name, but there's some good stuff there.

I also like when he goes on rants against stupidity in the industry. There's a Youtube channel that just collects clips of Casey doing that. Sorry can't remember its name, but there's some good stuff there.

I think it's vexe
Yeah vexe is one. This is another

Let it go Indy!