Create subforums for discussions?


I've been following the videos at Youtube and I've been reading all the stuff at the forum discussion. I think the size of topics in this forum will grow in an exponential way, so I am wondering if we could create topics inside some kind of "subforums tag".

Something like : "Subforum of Day 00X", and if anybody wants to post a topic this will go inside this folder and we will have it in a more readable, and searchable way.

Keep the good work Casey, I am really enjoying the streams! :)

Many thanks!,

Edited by Marcos Sueiro on
It's a difficult question. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to having lots of subforums :/ I'm open to doing what people think would be most useful, but I suspect that one forum per day would be too much?

- Casey
It's a difficult question. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to having lots of subforums :/ I'm open to doing what people think would be most useful, but I suspect that one forum per day would be too much?

- Casey

I agree with that, maybe one per day would be too much, but maybe.. using forums per week? this could fit well. I am afraid of forums with a lot of different topics, and usually with non self explanatory subjects.

Let's see what other people thinks :), thanks!.

Edited by Marcos Sueiro on
How about just an official (casey-spawned) thread per day?
How many people would check the "day 5" forums? People coming late might not get help because no one is checking the forums.
I'm guessing that probably what we really want is just a way to gather all the relevant threads for any given day, and put them in the Episode Guide... that's easier said than done, though, because Joomla is a piece of... er... "great software"!

- Casey
A good way to optimize between organization (based on current topics of discussion) and having a reasonable number of forums might be a structure somewhat similar to this:

(example threads included to give an idea of what I think might go in those forums)
Code Discussion (Forum)

 - Handmade Hero Code (Subforum)
    - Thread: Day 228 Code (author: cmuratori_bot)
    - Thread: Casey, you forgot 8 semicolons in Handmade_Abstraction.h!

 - Code in General
    - Thread: Why OOP is the best thing since ventilated carburetors
    - Thread: A handmade editor which beats vim AND emacs
    - Thread: Hello World in JAI

Game Discussion (Forum)

 - Handmade Hero Discussion (Subforum)
    - The third boss seems a little OP, plz nerf?
    - Some world generator edits I made, now with 80% more mesas

 - Game Design in General (Subforum)
    - In-game Options menus fulfill Plato's description of an ideal society
    - Why turn based RPGs are a relic of the past

Meta Discussion (Forum)
 - Thread: We need higher attachment limits
 - Thread: Help, chronalrobot is instituting an oppressive robotic regime in IRC!
 - Thread: Casey's microphone is clicking in morse code now

As for grouping code threads by day, I would think a tag system might work, though I have no idea if this forum software supports anything like that.

Edited by Andrew Chronister on
In-game Options menus fulfill Plato's description of an ideal society

Dude this was the funniest thing I read all day :lol: Awesome!

- Casey
In-game Options menus fulfill Plato's description of an ideal society

Dude this was the funniest thing I read all day :lol: Awesome!

- Casey

Made Casey's day. Discussion closed.

On a more serious note, tags would be way better than sub forums. That way new questions of earlier days still show at the top, but we can filter by day if needed.

Edited by Troncoso on
I'm guessing that probably what we really want is just a way to gather all the relevant threads for any given day, and put them in the Episode Guide... that's easier said than done, though, because Joomla is a piece of... er... "great software"!

- Casey

Yes!, I was thinking in some kind of place to gather all the relevant threads, in a bidirectional way.., and maybe managed by some kind of.. moderators?.

For example last day I was watching another time the Day 004 video and I found some interesting things that people posted on Youtube comments, and some things I found very useful by myself (for example: It's a good advice to declare members of an struct ordered by higher size to lower, it saves memory - if you don't want to use that pragma thing we talked about -).

It's all for the archive.
+1 to ChronalDragon's suggestion. Something that breaks the forums up a bit more, but keeps the flexibility and sub-forums to a minimum.

Through I think ChronalDragon spent a bit tooooo much time with those thread titles (though I would love to see the actual discussions in them!). :)
I also think ChronalDragon has found a nice granularity (to steal a Casey word) of forum organization.

But at the very least I do think we need a third forum for off-topic discussion.

(though I would love to see the actual discussions in them!). :)

After seeing ChronalDragon's nice parody I did have to consciously prevent myself from mentioning Plato's world of forms in the (somewhat impassioned?) real version of the menu thread. (This may be a case of careful what you wish for? ^^)