The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is happening now. September 23-29, 2024. More info

This is a test topic. It's pretty amazing.

Oh, the forumness of it all. CAN YOU STAND IT?

I certainly cannot.

- Casey
Decided to see if I could reply to a post, and I can!

Disgusting. I won't stand for this.

Edit: all seems to be working well. Threw a picture of myself in here. First one came in sideways for some reason but I cropped to square and it seems fine now.

Edited by Matthew VanDevander on
Soon, we will all be replying and it will just be amazing.
Woah, thanks for setting this up!

I'm going to beat Jonathan Blow to the punch and ask as my first question:
Can somebody please explain what is the variable?
No one knows. It is a mystery!

- Casey
We already covered this! We can't do variables in JavaScript.
Either that or you can _only_ do variables in JavaScript. I can't remember!
That which you can do in JavaScript is not the true variable.
I can't believe the Ronus username was still available, this is the life
I have replied it was grand! B)
This must be the best test topic ever. B)

It got it all covered: variables, test topics, half-life 3, everything...
Look, I'm posting! I'm part of things!
What is this strange place? How did we let Javascript infect it already?
It's JavaScript _and_ PHP. It's full banacakes.
This really needs to have more posts per page, also.. hello!