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3 posts
Question about compiling on emax
I need a little help about compiling emacs.

Most of codes are compiling well, and i can implement those files.

but some codes, on Visual studio 15 I can compile it and implement it.

but on Emax, I can compile it but when i implement those files. doesn't happen anything.

hold a sec. and then just return to shell

m-x compile

g++ test.cpp

is it wrong way to compile??



anything happen... I search google several times but i can't find what is the problem.

could you guys give me a little advice... please help
39 posts
Question about compiling on emax
I'm having a hard time understanding your question, but if you are saying you have made a program test.cpp and it compiles fine at the command line, and in visual studio but not in emacs, then maybe you need to use the full path in the compile command (g++ c:\path\to\test.cpp), or tell emacs which directory to try to compile in.

If you are trying to compile the game, then you would run build.bat instead of g++ directly, you can see the readme.txt in the game source download.