Getting VS to compile the DLL project while debugging is annoying. One way to do it is to setup a simple .BAT script and use that as an external tool to compile while debugging.
I managed to get it working by using the following in a
build_dll.bat saved in the directory of the solution.
| @echo off
REM Setup vcvars if they are not defined
if not defined DevEnvDir (
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
call msbuild.exe /VERBOSITY:quiet _PATH_TO_PROJECT_FILE_.vcxproj
Then add the .BAT file as an external tools from
| Tools -> External Tools -> Add
Title: Build DLL
Command: $(SolutionDir)build_dll.bat
Initial directory: $(SolutionDir)
You can also select to
Use Output window so it outputs to the output window.
For easier time running you can bind External Tools to hotkeys from
| Options -> Keyboard -> Search for Tools.ExternalCommand
The numbering starts from 1 and goes up. You can move the
External Tools up and down and simply bind one and move the build command onto the slot you bound.
Perhaps there's a better solution but so far this seems to work when you really want to compile and reload while running.