The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 5 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Resources (text editor config)

Hey guys!

I just came back from many many many weeks absence from this project (I followed religiously for the first 6 or 7 weeks, then real life interfered) and I'm having trouble finding some resources that used to be on the forums. There were some links to solutions HandmadeHero followers had made for building the code in their text editor of choice. I remember Atom one, Casey's emacs one, some others...

Well, I've just restarted from the 3rd week and I'm using Visual Studio Code as my text editor (it works really well, actually). I've got it compiling from the app and it can receive the output back. It works just fine, but I haven't come across a good text highlighter for the output (they dub them "Problem Matchers") and was about to write my own when I figured someone here already had a good one.

So yeah, has anyone here done this yet?

Thanks, and I'm excited to get back on the wagon!

Edited by Bryan Davis on
Yes, this is a problem with Handmade Network hosting, apparently. I do not know what the status is of it. They were supposed to be moved as top tabs when the site came over, but that did not happen, and now I do not know where they are :/ Hopefully they will return as part of an update at some point, but it's not something over which I have control.

- Casey
They were supposed to be moved as top tabs when the site came over

On our last meeting Jeroen confirmed this would come to pass by the end of this month. I do not personally understand why it's taken a while to put up, although please note the site is going through many changes (which you guys cannot currently see) to allow for a better design, address all bugs, and implement some feature requests. I've sent Jeroen a note in case he would like to chime in.

Please watch for the monthly news bulletins ( to stay up-to-date with the site.

Edited by Abner Coimbre on Reason: Wording
Yes, this is a problem with Handmade Network hosting, apparently. I do not know what the status is of it. They were supposed to be moved as top tabs when the site came over, but that did not happen, and now I do not know where they are :/ Hopefully they will return as part of an update at some point, but it's not something over which I have control.

- Casey

I still have all that content safely tucked away. The backend's undergoing something resembling half a rewrite to clean things up, making it easier to maintain going forward. I expect the Resources and Thanks pages to return next week, now that clean up is starting to wind down.

Apologies for the delay. Miblo is going to take over day to day maintenance of this branch while I start work on among other things the next iteration, so I wanted to leave him with a slightly nicer code base to work with.