Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
Simon Morgan
6 posts
Day 006: error C2659: '=': function as left operand
So I've typed in the XInput dynamic loading code in (AFAIK) verbatim, but I get the following compiler error:

1>win32_handmade.cpp(45): error C2659: '=': function as left operand
1>win32_handmade.cpp(46): error C2659: '=': function as left operand

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? I've uploaded my code here. Thanks.
Simon Morgan
6 posts
Day 006: error C2659: '=': function as left operand
Well, as soon as I posted that I spotted the problem:

#define XinputGetState XInputGetState_

should be

#define XInputGetState XInputGetState_

The "i" being uppercase.