Handmade Hero forums closed between 22nd and 25th

Handmade Network is launching on Monday the 25th of April. The Handmade Hero forums and community site will be imported into handmade.network. While importing all this information is a quick enough process, to avoid any errors this is a clean import every time.

Since we want to give project owners some time to update their biographies and project descriptions before we make the new site public, we've decided to close the forums at hero.handmadedev.org on Friday the 22nd.

Your accounts here will work as is on the new site. The first time you log in we'll even upgrade the way the password is hashed. Handmade Hero is one of two dozen projects that will be available for you to interact with after launch, 4coder is another.

Your account will work across all these projects and if they have enabled their forums and blog features, you'll be able to interact with them this way.

While we will do our best to redirect from old forum URLs to the corresponding URL on Handmade Hero's new community digs at Handmade Network, it should be obvious that this feature can't be tested until the actual switch has taken place. It may therefore behoove you to bookmark handmade.network and hero.handmade.network just in case.

IMPORTANT: If for whatever reason you do not want your account to be converted to a handmade.network one, I urge you to delete it before before the end of Casey's stream on Thursday the 21st - or if he doesn't stream that day, when his stream would normally end.

All the best,
Jeroen, Handmade Network lead dev
All Hail the BlackMagic of WebDev!
These are beautiful days.
OK so I thought that was _this_ weekend. Turns out it's _next_ weekend. Sorry for announcing it wrong... CARRY ON.

- Casey