Bug the first:

So checking for the ARB version of the sRGB framebuffer extension was fixed a few days ago. However, in a beautiful stroke of luck, the check Casey added for good measure (if WGL supports sRGB as well) broke everything for me all over again. Because, of course, I have a different version of the WGL extension string as well (WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB instead of the EXT version).

Bug the second:

Right now the UITransform (used in the Profiler) draws in front of the ShadowTransform. So text draws in front of the profile graph, but the drop shadow for the text draws behind it.


Edit: New bug! Bug the third!:

So the missing entity bitmap is an easy fix. We just never finished setting up that side of the code to use our new Transforms. So all you have to do is set the black background rect to use BackingTransform (so it's behind the bitmap), and the bitmap to use UITransform.

Edit again:

And in testing that last one, a related bug: since that entity printout code seems still kind of set up to show the hover entity if there's not an entity selected, that means if you load up the game proper and go straight to the entity printout without selecting anything, it'll show you the one you're hovering over. And *that* means that if you hover over the entity printout ui text, you'll have stopped hovering over the entity, and the entity printout will disappear. Then you'll be hovering over the entity again, it'll reappear, and... you get the idea. It'll spaz out.

And another edit because this has kind of become a brain dump post at this point:

So right now the source code download on sendowl is a zip of zips, one inner zip for each day. This keeps the compressor from knowing how similar one day is to the next. I don't expect the format to change or anything, but it's interesting to note that the latest source code link (which uses the zip of zips approach) is 13MB, but a single zip containing every folder is 300K. Neat object lesson, anyway.