Ciao people,
I use 1280 x 720 on a small ASUS Zenbook ultrabook and I noticed that the Profile rectangle in handmade_debug.cpp is hardcoded to 1800 x 480. In my case that means that the rightmost part is placed outside of the screen (for me) and not possible to "get a grip on".
Shouldn't the x and y values be 0 as default to support different resolutions? (Of course I can change it myself in the code, no biggo problemo, just wondering)
| layout_element Element = BeginElementRectangle(Layout, &Graph->Block.Dim);
if((Graph->Block.Dim.x == 0) && (Graph->Block.Dim.y == 0))
Graph->Block.Dim.x = 1800;
Graph->Block.Dim.y = 480;