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Ticket cost for HandmadeCon 2016?

In preliminary planning for HandmadeCon, I am confronted with the potential problem that in order to solve some of the common complaints about 2015, the price of the tickets would probably have to be increased. These were, namely:

1) Expand the conference to two days, and
2) Get a venue with better seating and longer hours so there can be more breaks.

I can definitely do these things, but they may require substantially higher ticket prices, since the rental costs will more than double (they will probably be something like 5-6x). So I am wondering, would people rather have a conference that is two days with relaxed hours and nicer seating but have to pay, say, $80 for a ticket (this would be admission for both days, so $80 total), or would they rather have the same venue as last year with similar constraints, but only have to pay $35-40?

- Casey

Edited by Casey Muratori on
I'd prefer the higher price for a longer conference. The ticket cost will still be insignificant compared to flying in and getting a hotel room.
I wasn't able to go this last time around, but I'm seriously considering it this year! With that being said I don't mind the extra cost in tickets. For me to go it would cost a good bit of cash (I live in the Southeast of the US) so ticket cost is hardly the thing that will decide whether or not I can go!
Pretty much what Takadimi said.
I, coincidentally, was thinking about the prospect of HMC 2016 being a two day event earlier today, and here's a post asking if we'd like that. I don't like my mind being read, Casey, especially when I'm in the shower. :P

Having a more relaxed schedule sounds like a great thing. I wasn't able to attend HMC 2015, but while watching the archived version I was thinking how little time there was between talks. Being able to relax for a while, soak in the information and chat with others about the talk before the next one begins would absolutely be beneficial. In that aspect, I'm all for a two day conference.

I personally think a price spike to $80 would be fine. Not only are you getting an extra day of the conference, but there's also more time to network with other members of the Handmade community. That right there is worth tripling the price, because getting to make connections with your peers and people you look up to is invaluable.

Even though it'll be a bit of extra work, if you partner with a hotel in the area, you could get discounted prices for HMC attendees. That right there could make up for the extra price.
That small price increase is definitely worth it.
I was unable to attend the first one, but I would love to attend this one. I am in favor of the two days and higher price.
I want to emphasize the point about making connections with other handmade heroes. Last conference was amazing but also almost a blur, and I was only able to talk at length with a very small number of them at the dinner we had attended at my hotel. During conference, you're so frantic to not miss the next talk that your mind is not set on having conversations with the person next to you. If that space is given by longer breaks, then you get to talk long enough to invite new friends to gatherings _outside_ the conference. Bam. A connection. And I can't stress enough how invaluable it is to meet those who want to program computers the same way you do, so $80 for that alone? Brah.
well believe it or not, the cost of flying and hotel is about 15x the ticket price (more than 1,200$) ,so unless i rob a bank or something i won't be able to go. B)
so as you can see i can only watch it live so for people like me i just want a good quality recording for the whole event :whistle:
but still ,who knows ,maybe i can really rob a bank ;)
Personally, I am in favor of raising ticket prices to facilitate a HandmadeCon "upgrade".


- Zach
I'd be fine with anything around $100, give or take for a more relaxed pace conference over 2 days.

Edited by Vijay Varadan on
The ticket cost will still be insignificant compared to flying in and getting a hotel room.

This exactly. And I agree with Abner--last year was awesome, but more time to say hi to other attendees would be worth the higher price alone.
I'm in favor of the higher price.
Higher price is fine. Is doing two days more stressful for you though? Running a conference seems like hard work.
I was surprised at how cheap the tickets were the first time around. I would happily pay more for longer con time + more comfy venue.