Account disappeared or deleted?

Hey. Okay, so back in March I preordered HMH and downloaded the source code. I didn't understand 98% of what was happening back then, so I just gave in to the fact that I need to know _something_ before I start. Well, now I know something, and I'm here to give it a try.

But of course, there's the problem that I can't find my account. I've been looking in (both) my mails, paypal and bank account for the last hour now, and the only sign of me buying it I've found is in my bank account. It's not even listed on paypal, let alone any confirmation mails.

This baffles me, because I clearly remember downloading it and not understanding a damn thing. Any idea what has happened? I tried searching the mails with these keywords: molly, rocket, handmade, hand, made... generally anything I could think of when it comes to this project. Yes, also sendowl.

Here's the snippet from my bank account, just in case that's needed for some reason. Better safe than sorry. EDIT: Not sure where the image went?

Edited by mothil on
I looked at the e-mail address with which you registered this forum account, and I found that e-mail in the SendOwl purchase records. You did indeed buy Handmade Hero already :) I had SendOwl re-send your download link, so hopefully you should now have it in your e-mail box! Please double-check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there if you don't receive it.

- Casey

Edited by Casey Muratori on
I've checked through my mail now, both my labels, the inbox and the spam folder. Nowhere to be found. This led me to believing that the problem is somewhere in Gmail, but as far as I know the sendowl mail is not blocked and shouldn't be filtered. There's no blocked contacts in my settings, nor do I see anything that could lead me to not receiving the mail.

Maybe sendowl just needs a bit of time before sending the mail? I'll investigate further, and fingers crossed I'll just get it while I'm searching. :p
That does sound a lot like some kind of block :( Normally the e-mails are sent pretty much instantaneously.

If all else fails, if you want to just e-mail me ([email protected]) from that e-mail account, I can reply to you with your download link.

- Casey