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Handmade Hero»Forums»Game
Request: Guest episodes by Anna (or other artist Casey respects) on art in games
Edited by LeastSignificant on Reason: Initial post
I'd like to request a few episodes by a high-level artist who works on games to talk about:
  1. Concept/character development. Design strategies. Implementing a brief. The path from big picture -> detail. (perhaps with a technical breakdown of the HMH concepts/design compared/contrasted with those of any other published game on which the artist has worked.)
  2. How to train in order to be productive at the levels required in AAA games. The various jobs that an artist does in a game development cycle. How to manage a client. How to organise one's budget/time.
  3. How to train if one is a programmer who would like to (or has to) do their own artwork. What common mistakes are made? What should be avoided? What skills/knowledge should the programmer-artist focus on to make their own professional quality art?
  4. The production pipeline; standard vs bespoke/custom tooling, and how they are used.
  5. How to find work in the games industry.
  6. Limitations of current tools that artists would like to see addressed by programmers e.g. automagic-retopology. Tools that don't exist that high-end artists would like programmers to build.
  7. Other topics that an expert feels that civilians who want to work as artists in games should understand.
Oliver Marsh
195 posts / 1 project
Request: Guest episodes by Anna (or other artist Casey respects) on art in games
Good idea, this would be cool to see
Oliver Marsh
195 posts / 1 project
Request: Guest episodes by Anna (or other artist Casey respects) on art in games
Good idea, this would be cool to see