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Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
1 posts
Casey 4coder config


Is it possible to have the latest 4coder configuration that Casey uses? The one received in the zip is old and does not compile.

Thank you

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Casey 4coder config

I don't know if Casey distributes it, you may want to ask on the Molly Rocket discord.

If I remember correctly it's based on Ryan Fleury's custom layer, that you can find on github.

Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Casey 4coder config

Casey also uses custom 4coder build from his own 4coder forked source code - it is not the same as public 4coder release, so his config probably won't work as is.

251 posts
Casey 4coder config

Casey also uses custom 4coder build from his own 4coder forked source code - it is not the same as public 4coder release, so his config probably won't work as is.

I think Casey only uses Ryan's custom layer now. There's even a 4coder_fleury_casey.cpp file in the github. There is also a 4coder repository on Casey's github page but it hasn't been updated for a long time (the Ryan one is more recent). In that repository, there's also a theme file that isn't up-to-date, here's the most recent one.

you may want to ask on the Molly Rocket discord.

The discord isn't allowed more members afaik. I really want to join but can't :(